Belief:Allah is only on the Throne based on Bible
There are some people who used Quran and hadiths to prove Allah only exists above the throne in a particularspace or areaand even sits there or is established on the throne. They misquote Quran and interpret methaphoric and allegorical verses literally.Which leads to anthropomorphism
Let uss see what the beliefs Bible are
Donot follow the Jews and Christians in Aqeeda
Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] warned us ,[
“Oppose the People of Book (Jews &
musnad ahmad 2234
Now What is belief of Bible lets see
“Revelation 4:2-11
And when the living creatures give glory and honour and thanks to Him Who sits on the throne, to Him Who lives forever and ever, (10) the twenty-four elders will fall down before Him Who sits on the throne, and will worship Him Who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying, For Thou hast maintained my just cause; Thou dost sit on the throne judging righteously. [ Bible book of ’Psalms 9:4 ]]
Then Bible says
“God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.” Psalms 47:8
Than bible says
“...I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.”[ Isaiah 6:1]
Isaiah Chapter 6, it is written :
“1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Now this is what famous Saudi Sheikh
Ibn Uthmayeen said
Uthmayeen Himself said Allah throne Means Jaloos
scan of uthameyeen fatwa

Ibn Uthmayeen again said
In his work “Aqidat Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah” he states after mentioning Yunus:3,
واستواؤه على العرش: علوه عليه بذاته علوَّاً خاصاً يليق بجلاله وعظمته لا يعلم كيفيته إلا هو.,
[We believe that He "created the Heavens and the Earth in six days, then He settled Himself on the throne; He manages everything" (10:3).] His “settling on the throne” means that He [Allah] is sitting in person (bi-dhaatih) on His throne in a way that is becoming to His majesty and greatness. No one save He knows the kayfiyyah [of the sitting].
Scanned page
from Beliefs of Sahabas [ra] like Imam Ali [ra]
Ijma of Sahabas [ra] held the view that Allah has no makaan (place, station). ,
Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (’alayhis salaam) is recorded to have said
كان- الله- ولا مكان، وهو الان على ما- عليه- كان
“Allah was without place, and He is now as He was [then].” ((الفرق بين الفرق لأبي منصور البغدادي [ ص / 333 ] )),
Abi Mansur Al-Baghdadi also quotes Imam ‘Ali (radhiya Allahu ‘anhu) as saying,
إن الله تعالى خلق العرش إظهارًا لقدرته لا مكانا لذاته
,“Verily Allah , the exalted, created the throne to manifest His power, not as a place for his essence.” ,
Imam Zaynul-’Aabidin ’Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (radhiya Allahu ‘Anhu) stated,
أنت الله الذي لا يحويك مكان
“You are Allah , who does not occupy place!”
[It-haaf As-Saadat Al-Muttaqin 2/24 ]
Subhanallah, Even Hadrat Ali [ra] was away from anthropomorphism [mujassimait ]
Beliefs of Classical scholars
Imam An-Nasafi (701 or 710 AH) states in his Tafsir
إنه تعالى كان ولا مكان فهو على ما كان قبل خلق المكان، لم يتغير عما كان.
“Verily He, the exalted, was without place, and He is as He was before creating (the entity of) ‘place’, not changing as He was [Tafsīr An-Nisfi Surah Taha Volume 2]
The Shaykh Abul abbas shihad ud din Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Qastalānī Al-Masrī (d. 933 AH) said in his Sharh (gloss) of Sahīh Al-Bukhārī
ذات الله منزه عن المكان والجهة
“Allah ’s essence is free from space (makān) and direction (jihah[Irshād As-Sārī 15/451]
He also stated when explaining the verse, “…Looking at their Lord” [Qur’an 75:23]:
بلاكيفية ولاجهة ولا ثبوت مسافة
,“Without modality, without direction, without establishing distance.
” [Irshād As-Sārī 15/462]
The Maliki Qadhi Ibn Rushd the Elder (d. 520), said:ليس- الله- في مكان، فقد كان قبل أن يخلق المكان
Allah ta’alaa is not in a space, for He was before ’space’ was created.” [Quoted by Ibn Al-Haaj in Al-Madkhal]
He also stated,
فلا يقال أين ولا كيف ولا متى لأنه خالق الزمان والمكان
“,It is not to be asked ‘Where’, ‘How’, or ‘When’ for He created The time as well as space.” [Ibid 3/181]
He also stated,
وإضافته- أي العرش- إلى الله تعالى إنما هو بمعنى التشريف له كما يقال: بيت الله وحرمه، لا أنه محل له وموضع لاستقراره
And the ascription of the ‘Arsh (throne) to Allah ta’alaa is with the meaning of honouring Him, just as it is said ‘The House of Allah and Its Sanctity”. It is not because it is His place or the abode for which he sits (istiqraar).” [Al-Madkhal 2:149,Also Ibn Hajr in his Fat-hul Baari]
beliefs of salafs and classical scholars
, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Khatib al bhagdadi stated (d 977 AH)
وقال الشيخ محمد الخطيب الشربيني المصري مانصه “ثبت بالدليل القطعي أنه- تعالى- ليس بمتحيز لئلا يلزم التجسيم ”
,It is established by the absolute proofs that He, the exalted, is not localized in space (mutahayyiz) as that necessitates tajsīm (anthropomorphism).”
He (rahimahullah) also said quoting the exegete Imam Qurtubi
قال القرطبي- المفسّر-: ووصْفه- تعالى- بالعلوّ والعظمة لا بالأماكن والجهات والحدود لأنها صفات الأجسام، ولأنه تعالى خلَق الأمكنة وهو غير متحيز، وكان في أزله قبل خلق المكان والزمان ولا مكان له ولا زمان، وهو الآن على ما عليه كان ” ا.هـ. أي موجود بلا جهة ولا مكان.
“And Allah , the exalted, ascribed to himself ‘Uluww (highness) and ‘Athmah (greatness), and this is without spaces (Al-amākan), directions, and limits as these qualities are attributes of ajsam (bodies or created things). That is also due to the fact that He, the exalted, created space and He is not localized in space (mutahayyiz), and He was in sempiternity before He created space and time, while there was no space for Him nor time. He is now as He was (exalted be He).” Al-Khatīb then says, “Meaning existing without direction or place.”
Ibn Hajar Asqalani [rah] said
وإضافته- أي العرش- إلى الله تعالى إنما هو بمعنى التشريف له كما يقال: بيت الله وحرمه، لا أنه محل له وموضع لاستقراره
,And the ascription of the ‘Arsh (throne) to Allah ta’alaa is with the meaning of honouring Him, just as it is said ‘The House of Allah and Its Sanctity”. It is not because it is His place or the abode for which he sits (istiqraar).” Al-Madkhal 2:149, Also Ibn Hajr in his Fat-hul Baari]
from salaf us saliheen
Imam Malik [rah] believed Istiwa[ throne of Allah] cannot be conceived or imagined or taken literally
كنّا عند مالك بن أنس, فجاء رجل, فقال: يا أبا عبد الله, الرحمن على العرش استوى, فكيف استوى؟ قال: فأطرق مالك رأسه حتى علاه الرحضاء على رأسه, ثمّ قال: الاستواء غير مجهول, والكيف غير معقول, والإيمان به واجب, السؤال عنه بدعة, وما أراك إلا مبتدعا. فأمر به أن يخرج.
We were with Màlik ibn Anas when a man came and said: “O Abâ ‘Abd Allah, al-Raämàn made istiwà on the throne. How did he make istiwà?” Màlik bowed his head [in thought] and sweat appeared on him, then he said: “Istiwà is not unknown [that is, it is known to be a fact whatever it means because it was mentioned in the Qur’an], but howis not something we can conceive[since He is other than whatever we imagine Him to be ]. Moreover, it is obligatory for us to believe in it [whatever it might mean] and asking about its meaning is a deviant innovation (bid‘ah), and I think that you are a deviant innova-tor.” Then he ordered him to be put out.
[al-Baihaqá reported another account of this incident with a full chain of narration by way of Yàäyà ibn Yaäyà ibn Bakár al-Nisàbârá (142-227 = 759-840)]
Imam Malik [rah] believed Istiwa[ throne of Allah] cannot be conceived or imagined or taken literally
After reporting the above, al-Baihaqá added that a similar answer was reported from the distinguished teacher of Màlik, al-Rabá‘ah ibn Abá ‘Abd al-Raämàn (d. 136 h. / 753), Al-Baihaqá reported with a chain of narration reported
سئل الربيعة عن قول الله تبارك وتعالى (الرمن على الأرش استوى) كيف استوى؟ قال الكيف مجهول والاستوى غير معقول ويجب علىّ وعليك الإيمان بذلك كله.
Al-Rabá‘ah was asked about His word, blessed and exalted is He, “The Merciful made istiwà,” how did he make istiwà? He said,“How He did is unknown, and the istiwà is in-conceivable, while belief in it is mandatory for me and you.
so even Imam Malik [rah] believed in Istiwa [rah] but never took it literally as you do or thought it can be conceived or imagined
Imam Qurtubi (rah) on Allegorical verses - Called people like wahabis idol worshippers for anthropomorphism
I have been watching some people trying to spread that "all" attributes of Allah are to be taken on its literal meaning, some are even making fun of it like Nirvana did and tried to make a sketch of Allah (Naudhobillah)
The simple and explicit answer regarding not to delve into Mutashabihaat is given in Quran itself, I have already used that ayah as a proof but some people still delve into it so I considered it necessary to given classical commentary on the ayah from leading Mufasir of Quran i.e. Imam Qurtubi (Rahimuhullah)! He is amongst the top most Mufasireen and scholars, Muslims uphold the magnificence and usefulness of his marvelous Tafsir work called “Jami ul Ahkaam ul Quran”
In it he explains the beautiful ayah of Quran which talks about It having both Plain and allegorical verses.
Quran states: He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.(3:7)
The mainstream Ahlus Sunnah always battled against the literalists by simply attributing the meanings of Mutashabihaat onto Allah Ta’la alone, for example Hands of Allah, foot, shin, laughter, his descent, his establishment etc... The true and actual meaning of these are known by none but Allah, however while explaining to ultra-curious laymen the best opinion is to interpret them into what suits Allah’s Majesty.
The Original Arabic Reference!
***Imam Qurtubi (rah) writes***
قوله تعالى: { فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ ٱبْتِغَاءَ ٱلْفِتْنَةِ وَٱبْتِغَاءَ تَأْوِيلِهِ } قال شيخنا أبو العباس رحمة الله عليه: متبِعو المتشابه لا يخلو أن يتبعوه ويجمعوه طلباً للتشكيك في القرآن وإضلالِ العوامّ، كما فعلته الزنادقة والقرامِطة الطاعنون في القرآن؛ أو طلباً لاعتقاد ظواهر المتشابه، كما فعلته المجسِّمة الذِين جمعوا ما في الكتاب والسنة مما ظاهره الجِسمية حتى ٱعتقدوا أن البارىء تعالى جسم مجسم وصورة مصوّرة ذات وجه وعين ويد وجنب ورجل وأصبع، تعالى الله عن ذلكٰ؛ أو يتبعوه على جهة إبداء تأويلاتها وإيضاح معانيها، أو كما فعل صبِيغ حين أكثر على عمر فيه السؤال. فهذه أربعة أقسام:
الأوّل: لا شك في كفرهم، وأن حكم الله فيهم القتل من غير ٱستتابة.
الثاني: الصحيح القول بتكفيرهم، إذ لا فرق بينهم وبين عباد الأصنام والصور، ويستتابون فإن تابوا وإلا قتلوا كما يفعل بمن ٱرتدّ.
الثالث: ٱختلفوا في جواز ذلك بناء على الخلاف في جواز تأويلها. وقد عرف أنّ مذهب السلف ترك التعرّض لتأويلها مع قطعهم بٱستحالة ظواهرها، فيقولون أمِرّوها كما جاءت. وذهب بعضهم إلى إبداء تأويلاتها وحملِها على ما يصح حمله في اللسان عليها من غير قطع بتعيين مجمل منها.
الرابع: الحكم فيه الأدب البليغ، كما فعله عمر بصبيغ
Verdicts which shake the foundation of Literalists
Translation: The Exalted said: {But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings} Our Shaykh, Abul Abbas (Rahimuhullah) said: Furthermore, the followers of the allegorical verses (mutashabih) are not free from: Following it and collecting it, seeking to raise doubts in the Qur’an and (seeking to) misguide the laymen as done by the Zanadiqah (deviants), the Qaramitah, and the refuters of the Quran. Or seeking to believe in the "Outward (Zawahir)" meanings of the mutashabih as done by the Mujasmiya (deluded ones who give physical traits to Allah), those who collected from the Quran and Sunnah whatever gave a physical meaning when taken literally (dhahir). To the extent that they believed that the Creator is a physical body and a fashioned form, possessing a face and other things: hand, eye, side and finger. Exalted is Allah from that, with the most Supreme Exaltation. Or they sought out these (mutashabih) with a view to manifest its interpretations and clarify its meanings. Or (they did) like Subaygh when he asked ‘Umar about them (the mutashabih) excessively.
So there are four categorical (verdicts) on them
The First: There is no doubt about their disbelief (kufr) and that the judgment of Allah concerning them is execution without even asking them to repent.
The Second: The most sound (opinion) is to make takfīr on them (to consider them to be kafirs), since there is no difference between them and worshipers of idols and images. And they should be asked to repent. Thereafter, either they’ll repent, or if not, they should be executed as is done to an apostate (murtad).
It is impossible to take them literally
The Third: There is a difference of opinion concerning that (action) based upon the difference of opinion in the permissibility of (various) interpretations. And it is known that the madhhab of the Salaf (pious predecessors) was to leave the undertaking of interpreting them while being certain that the literal meaning (Zawahir) was impossible. So they would say, “Let it pass as it came!” And some of them (the Salaf) took the madhhab of manifesting its interpretations by interpreting it with meanings consistent with the (Arabic) tongue without definitively confirming a specific possible meaning.
The Fourth: The judgment for him is to be taught a profound lesson as Amir ul Momineen Umar ibn al Khattab did to Subaygh[Tafsir ul Qurtubi i.e. Jami ul Ahkaam ul Quran under 3:7]
Great explanation by Imam Qurtabi (rah) Jazza k Allah Aamir for sharing.
حدثنا عبد الله بن مسلمة حدثنا يزيد بن إبراهيم التستري عن ابن أبي مليكة عن القاسم بن محمد عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت
تلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم هذه الآية
هو الذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات محكمات هن أم الكتاب وأخر متشابهات فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله والراسخون في العلم يقولون آمنا به كل من عند ربنا وما يذكر إلا أولو الألباب
قالت قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فإذا رأيت الذين يتبعون ما تشابه منه فأولئك الذين سمى الله فاحذروهم
Translation: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle recited the Verse: "It is He Who sent down upon you the Book, in which some verses have clear meaning, they are the substance of the Book, and others are those, in the meaning of which there is doubt. Those in whose hearts there is perversity pursue doubtful one desiring deviation and searching their own viewpoint of it, and its right interpretation is known to Allah alone. And those of firm knowledge say, 'We believed in it, all is from our Lord and none accept admonition save men of understanding". (3.7) Then Allah's Apostle said, "If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear, then they are those whom Allah has named [as having deviation (from the Truth)] 'SO BEWARE OF THEM'. [Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 70]
From Imam Shafi [rah] quoted by Imam Suyuti [rah] in Al-Ashbah wa An-Nadha'ir
Al-Hafidh As-Suyutiyy copies the statement of Imam Ash-Shafi‘iyy that Al-Mujassimah (those who believe that Allah has bodily attributes i.e. present-day wahhabis) are blasphemers.

From Classical book Tabsirah Al-Adillah Imam Abu Muain
in Maymun Ibn Muhammad An-Nasafiyy has stated in his book Tabsirah Al-Adillah that the one who affirms a place to Allah has blasphemed.

exposing from Imam Bayhaqi [rah]
Imam Bayhaiqyy in al-Asma' wa as-Sifat
al-Hafidh Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqiyy said: "Some of our companions used as evidence to deny a place for Allah, the saying of the Prophet:"O Allah You are adh-Dhahir so there is nothing above You, O Allah, You are al-Batin so there is nothing beneath You".So if there is nothing above Him and nothing below him is that He is not in a place."

Abu hanifa [rah] and Mullah Ali Qari [rah] Opinion of Abu Hanifa from Mullah Ali Qari in Minah ar-Rawd al-Azhar fi Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar said
He said in his explanation of the book al-Fiqh al-Akbar, pages 333 - 334:
To answer this [i.e. the false assumptions], we can cite the Shaykh, Imam Ibn Abdus-Salaam, who in his book al-Hal Ramuz, said that Abu Hanifah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "Whoever says:" I do not know if God is in heaven or on earth has committed kufr, because it has assigned a place to God (al-Haqq), and one who thinks that God is in a place is an anthropomorphic (mushabbih)." There is no doubt that Ibn Abdus-Salam is one of the scholars most reliable and secure, therefore it is obligatory to believe in what he reported."

Abu hanifa [rah] and Mullah Ali Qari [rah] In the same book as above, p.355, he says:
"Those who were unjust, who are among those who LIED concerning Allah, or claimed things that included the confirmation of a PLACE to Allah, a DIRECTION in front of [Him] and confirmation of distance [between Him and His creatures] and everything like that is a kafir"

from classical scholars
Imam Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy[rah] In his book Usul ad-Din, pages 337-338, Imam Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy refutes Mujassimah (those who attribute a body (jism) to Allah). On page 337, he said: "As for Jismiyyah (those who attribute to God a body) of Khurasan among Karramiyyah, declaring them unbelievers is mandatory, because they affirm that Allah HAS A LIMIT , and an end to the bottom, and that He would connect with the throne, and also their saying that there are created things that occur in Allah."
He continues to say: "By allowing [the belief] that Allah has created things that occur in Him, they ruin for themselves the evidence of the Oneness of God. That means, that bodies are created because they have created things in them . Thus, according to their own reasoning, they can not prove that the world has a beginning, and therefore they have no way of knowing the Creator of the world. Consequently, they do not know... Everyone who disagreed with them, have agreed on the fact that they (al-Mujassimah) are people of hell, so in that respect, they are the worst of all deviant sects."

Imam Abul-Barakat Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Nasafiyy [rah] in his magnificent Tafsir
wrote on page 164, volume 2 of his Tafsir of Qur'an: "About the ayah:
وَلِلّهِ الأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا وَذَرُواْ الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي أَسْمَآئِ
which means: "And Allah has the Perfect Names, so invoke Him by these Names, and stay away from those who demonstrate ilhaad [atheism] to these names." Surah al-'Araf verse 180.
"It is atheism (ilhaad) then to call Allah "body" (jism) or 'atom/smallest particle' (jawhar) or "reason" ( 'aql) or "cause" ('illah) ."

Imam Qurtubi [rah]
Imam al-Qurtubiyy said in his Tafsir, in the first verse of Istiwa in Qur'an, volume 1 pages 254, Surah Al-Baqarah verse: "This verse is part of the problematic verses and people concerning this verse and similar verses are divided into three groups. Some have said, "we read, and we believe without doing explaining, and this is the opinion of many of the imams. It is as has been reported from Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, that a man was asked about the verse "ar-Rahmanu 'alal-arshi-stawa and he said "The istawa is not unknown, and how (kayf) is inconceivable, and belief in it (istiwa) is obligatory and questioning on this subject is a [bad] innovation, and I see you're a bad person! So he ordered the man to be thrown out. Some others have said, "we read and we explain by what is apparent in the language. And this is the saying of anthropomorphists (mushabbihah). And others said: "We read and we interpret them and we prohibit the act of taking them as the apparent meaning.


Now question arises who are people who do explanation of istiwa
REPLY: Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Baaz [wahabi top scholar] , Uthmayeen and other salafis
Here is proof
Ibn Uthmayeen said
In his work “Aqidat Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah” he states after mentioning Yunus:3,
واستواؤه على العرش: علوه عليه بذاته علوَّاً خاصاً يليق بجلاله وعظمته لا يعلم كيفيته إلا هو.
[We believe that He "created the Heavens and the Earth in six days, then He settled Himself on the throne; He manages everything" (10:3).] His “settling on the throne” means that He [Allah] is sitting in person (bi-dhaatih) on His throne in a way that is becoming to His majesty and greatness. No one save He knows the kayfiyyah.
scan page

Imam Qurtubi [rah] Fatwa of kufr applies on Ibn Taymiyyah perfectly In his Tafsir named "an-Nahrul-Madd", the Grammarian Abu Hayyan al-'Andalusi reported about Ibn Taymiyahhaving this belief. He said: In his handwriting, a book of Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah, who was contemporary with us, which he called "Kitab-ul-‘Arsh", I read: Allah sits on al-Kursi and has left a space for the Messenger of Allah to sit with Him.[/ews] At-Taj Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn ‘Abdil-Haqq al-Baranbari pretended that he is a promoter of his ideas and tricked him, until he took it from him; we read that in it.
[The author of "Kashf-uz-Zunun" reported that about him also in Volume 2, page 1438.] This reporting of Abu Hayyan was omitted from the old printed copy. However, the manuscript confirms it.


Imam Nawawi [rah] KUFR Fatwa on those who say Allah is only in one place
Imam al-Nawawiyy said in his book of fiqh al-Majmu' in 18 volumes, volume 15 page 470: "Chapter: If both spouses, or one of them-apostatize, then, if it occurred before the consummation of the contract (ie before any intercourse between them): the separation is effective. And if it was after the consummation of the contract, the separation is effective after the expiry of the statutory waiting period ('iddah). Therefore, they go back to Islam (ie if they again become both Muslims) before the expiry of the statutory waiting period, then they are still in their marriage contract, but if they do not return (to Islam) then the separation is effective."
Here he explains that committing apostasy breaks the marriage contract under certain conditions.This is a point of fiqh and not belief, but we do present this because it is an important consequence in terms of what was related from the scholars who said clearly that believing that God is in one place is blasphemy (kufr)

From Abu Dawood
In his commentary of Sunan Abu Dawud, volume 5 page 102, al-Imam Abu Sulayman al-Khattabiyy said: "[Here he relates their word:] If someone asks" how is it that God 'yanzil? (if translated literlly, one might say 'descends')' He (an ignorant person) will reply: "God yanzil" as He Wills ". And if he asks, "Does God moves when" yanzil "or not? He (an ignorant person) will answer: "He wants if He moves, and if He wants, He does not move."
I (al-Khattabiyy) say: This is a monumental mistake, and God the Exalted, is not ascribed with movement because movement and stillness succeed in the same substance, and certainly can be attributed with movement, can be attributed with immobility, and both states are physical properties [attributes of body] that come into existence, and are attributed to creatures. But God is free from these two states, there is nothing like Him. If this "shaykh", may Allah guide us and him [meaning: may Allah guide him to the proper belief] had followed the path of the as-Salaf as-Salih ("the Pious Predecessors"), he would not enter himself in what is meaningless, because they did not utter anything that was similar to that monstrous (blasphemous) error. "

Imam Bukhari opinion in Sahih bukhari [rah]
Imam Al-Bukhari in his Sahih explains the term "wajh [face]" which the wahhabis say means "literal and physical face of Allah [naoozbila " to mean "Dominion".

From Sahih Muslim and Imam Nawawi [rah]
The following is a translation of some of what Imam An-Nawawiyy said in explaning hadith of Slave girl which khawarijs used to prove Allah is only in sky :
He said: This is one of the "hadiths of the attributes," about which scholars have two positions. The first is to have faith in it without discussing its meaning, while believing of Allah the Exalted that "there is nothing whatsoever like unto Him" (Qur'an 42:11), and that He is exalted above having any of the attributes of His creatures. The second is to figuratively explain it in a fitting way, [scholars who hold this position adducing that the point of the hadith was to test the slave girl: Was she a monotheist, who affirmed that the Creator, is Allah alone and that He is the one called upon when a person making supplication (du'a) faces the sky--just as those performing the prayer (salat) face the Ka‘bah, since the sky is the qiblah of those who supplicate, as the Ka‘bah is the qiblah of those who perform the prayer--or was she a worshipper of the idols which they placed in front of themselves? So when she said according to the literal translation, "In the sky", it was plain that she was not an idol worshiper...
Al-Qadi ‘Iyad stated: There is no disagreement among Muslims, one and all--their legal scholars, their hadith scholars, their scholars of theology, both those of them capable of expert scholarly reasoning and those who merely follow the scholarship of others--that the textual evidences that mention Allah the Exalted being [if translated literally] "in the sky", such as His words that [if translated literally would say], "Do you feel safe that He who is in the sky will not make the earth swallow you," and so forth, are NOT as their literal sense (dhahir) seems to imply, but rather, all scholars interpret them in other than their ostensive sense..

in Famous biography of
al-Imam Abu Hasan al-Ashariy, al-Hafidh Abul Qasim Ibn Asakir said
, on page 150: "Similarly, the Najjariyah say 'that the Creator is in all places without the confinment and without direction', while the Hashawiyyah and the Mujassimah say 'He is confined to the throne, the throne is His place, and He is sitting on it.' As for al-Imam al-Ash'ariyy, he chose a path that is between the two, and he said that God existed when there was no place, then He created the Throne and kursiyy. He did not need the place, and He is, after creating the place, as He was before He had created it."


Ibn Kathir on mujassamiya
Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) has given a wonderful explanation of 7:54 (and guess what some people have tried their best to forge it and change the quote completely opposite to what he actually said, but of course they had to be caught)
He wrote: [Then He ‘established’ (istawa) upon the Throne" – (Qur’an 7:54)], People have too many positions on this matter, and this is not the place to present them at length.[ فللناس في هذا المقام مقالات كثيرة جداً ليس هذا موضع بسطها ] On this point, we follow the position of the righteous early Muslims (salaf)—Malik, Awza‘i, Thawri, Layth ibn Sa‘d, Shaf’i, Ahmad, Ishaq ibn Rahawayh, as well as others among the Imams of the Muslims, ancient and modern—(namely) to let it pass as it has come, without saying how it is meant [، وهو إمرارها كما جاءت من غير تكييف], without any resemblance (to created things), and without nullifying it (wa la ta‘til):"THE OUTWARD (LITERAL) meaning that comes to the minds of anthropomorphists is negated of Allah[، والظاهر المتبادر إلى أذهان المشبهين منفي عن الله] for nothing created has any resemblance to Him: "There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing" (Qur’an 42:11)
[Tafsir Ibn Kathir under 7:54]
Note: english translation of tafsir ibn kathir is forged and edited, this is present in arabic books of ibn kathir ehere he exposed literalists and their kufr .
This research was done by aamir
Ibn Hajar haythami [rah] quoting viewpoint of Abu hanifa, Imam Malik,Imam Shafi [rah] and Imam Ahmed [rah]
Ibn Hajar Al-Haytamiyy said: " Know that al-Qarafiyy and others narrated from al-Shafi'iyy, Malik, Ahmad and Abu Hanifah that those who say that Allah is in a direction, or has a body, have committed blasphemy -- and they deserve this verdict."

Scans of al-Minhaj al-Qawim ^^ continue

refutation of anthropomorphism -mujassism
Forgetting of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Tabari [rah]
"Today We forget you as you have forgotten this day of yours" (Qur'an 45:34),,
which the early Muslims used to interpret figuratively, as reported by a scholar who was himself an early Muslim (salaf) and indeed, the sheikh of the early Muslims in Qur'anic exegesis, the hadith master (hafiz) Ibn Jarir al-Tabari who died 310 years after the Hijra, and who explains the above verse as meaning: "‘This day, Resurrection Day, We shall forget them,’ so as to say, ‘We shall abandon them to their punishment.’" Now, this is precisely ta’wil, or interpretation in other than the verse’s ostensive sense. Al-Tabari ascribes this interpretation, through his chains of transmission, to the Companion (Sahabi) Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be well pleased with him) as well as to Mujahid, Ibn ‘Abbas’s main student in Qur'anic exegesis
(Jami‘ al-bayan, 8.202).
refutation of anthropomorphism -mujassism
Shin [leg] of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Tabari [rah]
Of the Qur'anic verse,
"On a day when shin shall be exposed, they shall be ordered to prostrate, but be unable" (Qur'an 68:42),
al-Tabari says, "A number of the exegetes of the Companions (Sahaba) and their students (tabi‘in) held that it [a day when shin shall be exposed] means that a dire matter (amrun shadid) shall be disclosed"
(Jami‘ al-bayan, 29.38)—the shin’s association with direness being that it was customary for Arab warriors fighting in the desert to ready themselves to move fast and hard through the sand in the thick of the fight by lifting the hems of their garments above the shin. This was apparently lost upon later anthropomorphists, who said the verse proved ‘Allah has a shin,’ or, according to others, ‘two shins, since one would be unbecoming.’ Al-Tabari also relates from Muhammad ibn ‘Ubayd al-Muharibi, who relates from Ibn al-Mubarak, from Usama ibn Zayd, from ‘Ikrima, from Ibn ‘Abbas that shin in the above verse means "a day of war and direness (harbin wa shidda)"
,(Jami‘ al-bayan., 29.38)
All of these narrators are those of the sahih or rigorously authenticated collections except Usama ibn Zayd, whose hadiths are hasan or ‘well authenticated.’
Shin [leg] of Allah - HOW WAHABIS interpret it
Muhin Khan and Hilali the famous Wahabi translators write in footnote of this verse
All that has been revealed in Allah’s Book as regards the [Sifat] Qualities of Allah Azz wajjal, the Most High, like his Face, Eyes, Hands, “SHINS (LEGS)”, his coming his (Istawa) rising over His Throne and others…..the religious scholars of the Qur’an and the Sunnah believe in these Qualities of Allah and they confirm that these are really his Qualities, without Ta’wil(interpreting their meanings into different things)[Page No 81 in the footnote]
Muhsin Khan changed Shin into Shins (Legs) , which is both wrong in Lughwi and Sh'ai sense and is also clear Anthropomorphism, hence you are wrong, muhsin khan convert a singular into plural for sure to justify their anthropomorphism, but you made a confusing statement as if we dont know if they are many or not.
Laughter of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Bukhari [rah]
, Of the hadith related in Sahih al-Bukhari from Abu Hurayra that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,
Allah Most High laughs about two men, one of whom kills the other, but both of whom enter paradise: the one fights in the path of Allah and is killed, and afterwards Allah forgives the killer, and then he fights in the path of Allah and is martyred,
the hadith master al-Bayhaqi records that the scribe of Bukhari [Muhammad ibn Yusuf] al-Farabri related that Imam al-Bukhari said, "The meaning of laughter in it is MERCY
(Kitab al-asma’ wa al-sifat, 298)
Coming of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Bayhaqi [rah]
The hadith master (hafiz) Ibn Kathir reports that Imam al-Bayhaqi related from al-Hakim from Abu ‘Amr ibn al-Sammak, from Hanbal, the son of the brother of Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s father, that
Ahmad ibn Hanbal figuratively interpreted the word of Allah Most High,
"And your Lord shall come . . ." (Qur'an 89:22),
as meaning "His recompense (thawab) shall come."
Al-Bayhaqi said, "This chain of narrators has absolutely nothing wrong in it"
(al-Bidaya wa al-nihaya,10.342)
In other words, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, like the Companions (Sahaba) and other early Muslims mentioned above, sometimes also gave figurative interpretations (ta’wil) to scriptural expressions that might otherwise have been misinterpreted anthropomorphically.
From famous writer of Shah sahih bukhari
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) says:
إذا حملوه , وإن كان حامل العرش وحامل حملته هو الله , وليس قولنا إن الله على العرش أي مماس له أو متمكن فيه أو متحيز في جهة من جهاته بل هو خبر جاء به التوقيف , فقلنا له به ونفينا عنه التكييف إذ ليس كمثله شيء وبالله التوفيق . وقوله " فوق عرشه " صفة الكتاب , وقيل إن فوق هنا بمعنى دون , كما جاء في قوله تعالى ( بعوضة فما فوقها ) وهو بعيد , وقال ابن أبي جمرة يؤخذ من كون الكتاب المذكور فوق العرش أن الحكمة اقتضت أن يكون العرش حاملا لما شاء الله من أثر حكمة الله وقدرته وغامض غيبه ليستأثر هو بذلك من طريق العلم والإحاطة , فيكون من أكبر الأدلة على انفراده بعلم الغيب , قال : وقد يكون ذلك تفسيرا لقوله ( الرحمن على العرش استوى ) أي ما شاءه من قدرته وهو كتابه الذي وضعه فوق العرش
When we say: "Allah is above the Throne" (Allah `ala al-`arsh), it does not mean that He is touching it or that He is located on it or bounded by a certain side of the Throne
Rather, it is a report which is transmitted as is, and so we repeat it while at the same time negating any modality, for there is nothing like Him whatsoever, and from Him is all success.
As for "over His throne" (in the hadith) it refers to the Book. Some have taken it in the sense of "upwards from His Throne," as in Allah's saying: "a gnat, or anything above it" (2:26), but this is far-fetched. Ibn Abu Jamra (d. 695) said: "It may be said from the fact that the Book is mentioned as being "above the Throne" that the divine wisdom has decreed for the Throne to carry whatever Allah wishes of the record of His judgment, power, and the absolute unseen known of Him alone, so as to signify the exclusivity of His encompassing knowledge regarding these matters, making the Throne one of the greatest signs of the exclusivity of His knowledge of the Unseen. This could explain the verse al-rahmanu `al al-`arshi istawa as referring to whatever Allah wills of His power, which is the Book He has placed above His Throne."
- Al-Qushayri views
on where is Allah
The establishment of His Throne in the heaven is known, and His Throne in the earth is the hearts of the People of Pure Monotheism (ahl al-tawhid). He said: { and eight will uphold the Throne of their Lord that day, above them} (69:17), and [concerning] the throne of the hearts: { We carry them on the land and the sea} (17:70). As for the throne of the heaven: the Merciful established Himself over it (`alayhi istawa); and as for the throne of the hearts: the Merciful conquered it (`alayhi istawla). The throne of the heaven is the direction of the supplication of creatures, while the throne of the heart is the locus of the gaze of the Real - Most High -. Therefore, there is a huge difference between this throne and that!
[In Lata'if al-Isharat (4:118)]
Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash`ari said views
on where is Allah
"The establishment of Allah - Most High - on the Throne is an action He has created named istiwa' and related to the Throne, just as He has created an action named ityan (coming) related to a certain people; and this implies neither descent nor movement."[As cited in `Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, Usul al-Din (p. 113).]
► Al-Bayhaqi confirms this: "Abu al-Hasan `Ali al-Ash`ari said that Allah - Most High - effected an act in relation to the Throne, and He called that act istiwa', just as He effected other acts in relation to other objects, and He calledthose acts 'sustenance' (rizq), `favor' (ni`ma), or other of His acts."[Al-Bayhaqi, al-Asma' wa al-Sifat (2:308)]
► This is also the interpretation of Ibn Hazm (d. 456) - although a vehement enemy of Ash`aris - who explains istiwa' as "an act pertaining to the Throne[In his al-Fisal fi al-Milal (2:125).]
Abu al-Fadl al-Tamimi on
position of Imam Ahmad said views
on where is Allah
mentioned that two positions were reported from Imam Ahmad concerning istiwa': One group narrated that heconsidered it "of the Attributes of act" (min sifat al-fi`l), another, "of the Attributes of the Essence" (min sifat al-dhat)."[bn Abi Ya`la, Tabaqat al-Hanabila (2:296)]
► Ibn Battal mentions that Ahl al-Sunna hold either one of these two positions: "Those that interpreted istawa as `He exalted Himself' (`ala) consider istiwa an Attribute of the Essence, while those who interpreted it otherwiseconsider it an Attribute of act
,[In Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (1959 ed. 13:406) ]
Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash`ari said views
on where is Allah
Al-Tamimi further related that Ahmad said:
[Istiwa']: It means height/exaltation (`uluw) and elevation (irtifa`). Allah - Most High - is ever exalted (`ali) and elevated (rafi`) without beginning, before He created the Throne. He is above everything (huwa fawqa kulli shay'), and He is exalted over everything (huwa al-`ali `ala kulli shay'). He only specified the Throne because of its particular significance which makes it different from everything else, as the Throne is the best of all things and the most elevated of them. Allah - Most High - therefore praised Himself by saying that He { established Himself over the Throne }, that is, He exalted Himself over it (`alayhi `ala). It is impermissible to say that He established Himself with a contact or a meeting with it. Exalted is Allah above that! Allah is not subject to change, substitution, nor limits, whether before or after the creation of the Throne
[bn Abi Ya`la, Tabaqat al-Hanabila (2:296-297)]
Sufyan al-Thawri
Sufyan al-Thawri (d. 161) interpreted istiwa' in the verse { The Merciful established Himself over the Throne } (20:5) as "a command concerning the Throne" (amrun fi al-`arsh)
► as related by Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni and quoted by al-Yafi`i in the latter's book Marham al-`Ilal al-Mu`dila fi Daf` al-Shubah wa al-Radd `ala al-Mu`tazila ("Book of the Resolution of Difficult Problems for the Removal of Doubts and the Refutation of the Mu`tazila"):
The understanding of istiwa' as the turning of Allah - Most High - to a particular command concerning the Throne is not far-fetched, and this is the ta'wil of Imam Sufyan al-Thawri, who took as corroborating evidence for it the verse: { Then turned He (thumma istawa) to the heaven when it was smoke](41:11), meaning: "He proceeded to it" (qasada ilayha)
[ al-Yafi`i, Marham al-`Ilal (p. 245) and Abu al-Ma`ali Ibn al-Juwayni, al-Irshad (p. 59-60)]
Imam Al Tabari (rah)
on Istiwa in Quran
Al-Tabari said, in his commentary on the verse { Then turned He (thumma istawa) to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens } (2:29):,
The meaning of istiwa' in this verse is height (`uluw) and elevation... but if one claims that this means displacement for Allah, tell him: He is high and elevated over the heaven with the height of sovereignty and power, not the height of displacement and movement to and fro.
The above position is exactly that of the Ash`ari school, as shown by Abu Bakr ibn al-`Arabi's and Ibn Hajar's numerous comments[Respectively in `Arida al-Ahwadhi (2:234-237) and Fath al-Bari (3:37-38, 6:136 [Jihad], also Tawhid ch. 23 last par.)to that effect directed against those who attribute altitude to Allah in their interpretation of His `uluw such as Ibn Taymiyya.
Ibn Taymiyya stated and Refuted by several classical scholars "The Creator, Glorified and Exalted is He, is above the world and His being above is literal, not in the sense of dignity or rank."[In al-Ta'sis al-Radd `ala Asas al-Taqdis (= Talbis al-Jahmiyya 1:111)]
This doctrine was comprehensively refuted by Ibn Jahbal al-Kilabi (d. 733) in his Radd `ala Man Qala bi al-Jiha("Refutation of Ibn Taymiyya Who Attributes A Direction to Allah - Most High -")
► (ref)Its text is quoted in full in Ibn al-Subki's Tabaqat (9:35-91) and its translation is forthcoming insha Allah.
And Refuted by Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani (1265-1350) in his Raf` al-Ishtibah fi Istihala al-Jiha `ala Allah ("The Removal of Doubt Concerning the Impossibility of Direction for Allah"),
►(ref for above) Reproduced in full in al-Nabahani's Shawahid al-Haqq
Ibn Battal and Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi
quoted by Imam Ibn e Hajar (Rah)
attribute the interpretation as istila' chiefly to the Mu`tazila. Ibn Hajar said:,
The Mu`tazila said its meaning is "establishing dominion through subjugation and overpowering" (al-istila' bi al-qahr wa al-ghalaba), citing as a proof the saying of the poet:
Bishr established mastery over Iraq without sword and without shedding blood.,
The anthropomorphists (al-jismiyya) said: "Its meaning is settledness (al-istiqrar).",
he explanation of istawa as istaqarra in the verse {Then He established Himself over the Throne} (32:4) is actuallyreported from al-Kalbi and Muqatil by al-Baghawi - in his commentary entitled Ma`alim al-Tanzil (al-Manar ed. 3:488) - who adds that the philologist Abu `Ubayda [Ma`mar ibn al-Muthanna al-Taymi (d. ~210)] said "He mounted" (sa`ida). Pickthall followed the latter in his translation of the verse as {Then He mounted the Throne}. It is a foundational position of the "Salafis" as stated by Imam Muhammad Abu Zahra: "The `wahabis' and Ibn Taymiyya assert that settledness takes place over the Throne...
. Ibn Taymiyya strenuously asserts that Allah descends, and can be above (fawq) and below (taht) `without how'(naoozbila).... and that the school of the Salaf is the affirmation of everything that the Qur'an stated concerning aboveness (fawqiyya), belowness (tahtiyya), and establishment over the Throne."
► Abu Zahra, al-Madhahib al-Islamiyya (p. 320-322)
Some of Ahl al-Sunna said: "Its meaning is He elevated Himself (irtafa`a)" [b/] and others of them said: "Its meaning is sovereignty (al-mulk) and power (al-qudra)."
► Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (1959 ed. 13:409)
Ibn Battal and
Ibn al-Jawzi on Istawa
As Ibn Battal alluded, "establishing dominion and sovereignty," "subduing," and "conquering" no more suppose prior opposition in the face of the Creator than do His Attributes of "All-Victorious" (Zahir) "All-Compelling" (Qahhar), "Prevailer" (Ghalib), or "Omnipotent" (Qahir) presuppose resistance or power on anyone's part. This is confirmed by the verses: { He is the Omnipotent (al-qahir) over His slaves } (6:18, 6:61) and { Allah prevails (ghalib) in His purpose } (12:21). Al-Raghib said: "It means that everything is alike in relation to him" and he did not say: "became alike."
Ibn al-Jawzi mentions another reason for permitting this interpretation: "Whoever interprets { and He is with you } (57:4) as meaning `He is with you in knowledge,' permits his opponent to interpret istiwa' as 'subduing' (al-qahr)
,reference ,
►In Daf` Shubah al-Tashbih (1998 al-Kawthari repr. p. 23)
Lies of Ibn e Taymiyah The
Anthropomorphist refuted
proof of his hardcore anthropomorphism
Ibn Taymiyyah said:
وللّه ـ تعالى ـ استواء على عرشه حقيقة، وللعبد استواء على الفلك حقيقة،
Translation: The establishment of Allah over the Throne is real, and the servant's establishment over the ship is real
,[Majmua al Fatawa Volume 5 Page No. 199]
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) said
Ibn Taymiyyah) was attributed with anthropomorphism because of what he wrote in his books like Aqeedah Hamvia, Al-Waastiya and others that Allah's Face and Hand and Shin are “REAL” attributes, and Allah is sitting on the Arsh (Throne) “In person”. (Naoozubila Min Zalik)
[Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in Al-Durar al Kameena, Volume No. 1, Page Nos. 49-50]
May Allah save every muslim Iman and Aqeeda from Deviant beliefs of some and help us in followingQuran,Sunnah,salafs and classical scholars of Islam
1- اللغوي السلفي الأديب أبو عبد الرحمن عبد الله بن يحيى بن المبارك (ت237هـ) ، كان عارفا باللغة والنحو ، قال في كتابه (( غريب القرءان وتفسيره )) ما نصه : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى }[سورة طه ] : استوى : استولى )) اهـ .
Linguist Az-Zajjaj
2- الإمام اللغوي أبو إسحاق إبراهيم بن السَّرِي الزجاج (ت311هـ ) قال فيه الذهبي (السير ج14/360): (( نحوي زمانه)) اهـ، قال في كتابه ((معاني القرءان )) ما نصه : ((وقالوا : معنى استوى :استولى )) اهـ.
Abu Mansur al-Maturidi al-Hanafiy
3- الإمام أبو منصور محمد بن محمد الماتريدي الحنفي (ت333هـ) إمام أهل السنة والجماعة ، قال في كتابه المسمى (( تأويلات أهل السنة )) في تفسير قوله تعالى : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى} [سورة طه] ما نصه (4) : (( أو الاستيلاء [عليه ] وأن لا سلطان لغيره ولا تدبير لأحد فيه )) اهـ.
Linguist Abul-Qassim bin Ishaq az-zajjajiy
4- اللغوي أبو القاسم عبد الرحمن بن إسحاق الزجاجي (ت340هـ) قال فيه الذهبي (السير ج 15/475)ما نصه : ((شيخ العربية وتلميذ العلامة أبي إسحاق إبراهيم بن السري الزجاج ، وهو منسوب إليه )) اهـ، قال في كتابه (( اشتقاق أسماء الله )) ما نصه: (( والعلي والعالي أيضا : القاهر الغالب للأشياء، فقول العرب : علا فلان فلانا أي غلبه وقهره كما قال الشاعر :
فلما علونا واستوينا عليهم تركناهم صرعى لنسر وكاسر
يعني غلبناهم وقهرناهم واستولينا عليهم )) اهـ.
Ahmad ar-Raziy al-Jassas al-Hanafiy
5- الشيخ أبو بكر أحمد الرازي الجصاص الحنفي (ت370هـ) في كتابه (( أحكام القرءان )).
6- المفسر أبو الحسن علي بن محمد الماوردي (ت 450 هـ ) قال في تفسيره (( النكت والعيون )) ما نصه : {ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ } [ سورة الأعراف ] : فيه قولان : ...والثاني : استولى على العرش كما قال الشاعر :
قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق )) اهـ
al-Bayhaqiy ash-Shafi^iy
7- قال الحافظ البيهقي ( ت 458هـ ) في كتابه (( الأسماء والصفات )) ما نصه : (( وفيما كتب إلي الأستاذ أبو منصور بن أبي أيوب أن كثيرا من متأخري أصحابنا ذهبوا إلى أن الاستواء هو القهر والغلبة )) اهـ.
Abul Hassan al-Wahidiy
8- أبو الحسن علي بن أحمد الواحدي (ت478 هـ) في تفسيره (( الوجيز )).
Ad-Damaghaniy al-Hanafiy
9- الشيخ الحسين بن محمد الدامغاني الحنفي (ت478 هـ ) في كتابه (( إصلاح الوجوه )).
Al-Juwainiy ash-Shafi^iy
10- إمام الحرمين أبو المعالي عبد الملك بن عبد الله الجويني الشافعي (ت 578هـ ) قال في كتابه (( الإرشاد )) ما نصه :
(( الاستواء القهر والغلبة، وذلك شائع في اللغة إذ تقول : استوى فلان على المملك إذا احتوى على مقاليد الملك واستعلى على الرقاب )) اهـ.
al-Mutawawliy - Abur-Rahman bin Muhammad ash-Shafi^iy
11- الإمام عبد الرحمن بن محمد الشافعي المعروف بالمتولي (ت478 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( الغنية )) في دفع شبهة من منع تفسير الاستواء بالقهر ما نصه : فإن قيل الاستواء إذا كان بمعنى القهر والغلبة فيقضي منازعة سابقة وذلك محال في وصفه . وقلنا : والاستواء بمعنى الاستقرار يقتضي سبق الاضطراب والاعوجاج ، وذلك محال في وصفه )) اهـ.
Ar-Raghib al-Asbahaniy
12- اللغوي أبو القاسم الحسين بن محمد المعروف بالراغب الأصبهاني (ت502 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( المفردات )) ما نصه : (( ومتى عُدِّي- أي الاستواء – بـ (( على )) اقتضى معنى الاستيلاء كقوله : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى } [سورة طه ] )) اهـ.
al-Ghazaliy ash-Shafi^iy
13- الشيخ الفقيه أبو حامد الغزالي الشافعي (ت505هـ ) قال في كتابه (( إحياء علوم الدين )) عندما تكلم عن الاستواء ما نصه : (( وليس ذلك إلا بطريق القهر والاستيلاء )) اهـ .
An-Nasafiy al-Hanafiy
14- المتكلم أبو المعين ميمون بن محمد النسفي الحنفي ( ت508هـ ) قال في كتابه (( تبصرة الأدلة )) بعد أن ذكر معاني الاستواء وأن منها الاستيلاء ما نصه : (( فعلى هذا يحتمل أن يكون المراد منه : استولى على العرش الذي هو أعظم المخلوقات )) اهـ.
15- الإمام أبو نصر عبد الرحيم بن عبد الكريم بن هوازن القشيري ( ت514 هـ ) الذي وصفه الحافظ عبد الرزاق الطبسي بإمام الأئمة، قال في كتابه (( التذكرة الشرقية )) ما نصه : {الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى }[سورة طه ]: قهر وحفظ وأبقى )) اهـ .
Qadi Ibn Rushd -The grand father
16- القاضي الشيخ أبو الوليد محمد بن أحمد المالكي قاضي الجماعة بقرطبة المعروف بابن رشد الجد (ت520هـ ): قال ما نصه : (( والاستواء في قوله تعالى : {ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ } [ سورة الأعراف] معناه استولى )) اهـ، ذكره ابن الحاج المالكي في كتابه (( المدخل )) موافقا له ومقرا لكلامه .
Al-'Usuliy Mahmoud bin Zaid al-Lamishi
17- العلامة الفقيه الأصولي أبو الثناء محمود بن زيد اللامشي الحنفي الماتريدي ( توفي في أوائل القرن السادس الهجري ) قال ما نصه: ((ووجه ذلك أن الاستواء قد يذكر ويراد به الاستقرار، وقد يذكر ويراد به الاستيلاء فيحمل على الاستيلاء دفعا للتناقض، وإنما خص العرش بالذكر تعظيما له كما خصه بالذكر في قوله تعالى : {وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ } [سورة التوبة ] وإن كان هو رب كل شئ)) اهـ.
Muhaddith ash-Sham Ali Bin al-Hassan
18- الحافظ الكبير محدث الشام المؤرخ أبو القاسم علي بن الحسن ابن هبة الله ( ت571هـ) : قال ما نصه :
خلق السماء كما يشا ء بلا دعائم مستقلة
لا للتحيز كي تكو ن لذاته جهة مقلة
رب على العرش استوى قهرا وينـزل لا بنقلة
Ibn Al-Jawzi al-Hanbali
19- الإمام الحافظ المفسر عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي الحنبلي ت 597 هـ في كتابه دفع شبه التشبيه.
Fakhrud-deen ar-Razi
20- المفسر فخر الدين الرازي الشافعي (ت606هـ) : قال في تفسيره ما نصه : (( فثبت أن المراد استواؤه على عالم الأجسام بالقهر والقدرة والتدبير والحفظ )) اهـ، وقال في موضع ءاخر ما نصه : (( قال بعض العلماء : المراد من الاستواء الاستيلاء )) اهـ ، وقال في كتابه (( أساس التقديس : (( وإذا ثبت هذا ظهر أنه ليس المراد من الاستواء الاستقرار ، فوجب أن يكون المراد هو الاستيلاء والقهر وهذا مستقيم على قانون اللغة، قال الشاعر : قد استوى بشر على العراق )) ا هـ.
Saifuddeen al-Amidi
21- الشيخ المتكلم سيف الدين الآمدي الحنبلي ثم الشافعي (ت631هـ) ذكر في كتابه (( أبكار الأفكار )) أن تفسير الاستواء بالاستيلاء والقهر هو من أحسن التأويلات وأقربها .
AbulAziz Bin Abdus-Salam
22- الشيخ عبد العزيز بن عبد السلام الشافعي (ت660هـ ) في كتابه (( الإشارة إلى الإيجاز )).
Imam Al-Qarafi
23- الشيخ الفقيه القرافي المالكي (ت684هـ ) .
24- المفسر القاضي أبو سعيد عبد الله بن عمر بن محمد البيضاوي الشافعي (ت685 هـ وقيل 691هـ ) قال في تفسيره (( أنوار التنـزيل )) ما نصه: {ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ } [سورة الأعراف ] : استوى أمره أو استولى )) اهـ.
Abul Barakat An-Nasafiy
25- المفسر أبو البركات عبد الله بن أحمد النسفي (ت 710هـ وقيل 701هـ ) قال في تفسيره(( مدارك التنـزيل )) ما نصه: {الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى} [سورة طه ] : استولى، عن الزجاج )) اهـ .
Ibn Mandhoor
26- اللغوي محمد بن مكرم الإفريقي المصري المعروف بابن منظور (ت711هـ) قال في كتابه (( لسان العرب )) من غير أن يتعرض لتفسير ءاية الاستواء ما نصه : (( استوى: استولى، وظهر )) اهـ
Ibn al-Mu^allim al-Qurashi
27- المحدث الفقيه ابن المعلم القرشي (ت725 هـ) : ذكر في كتابه (( نجم المهتدي )) معاني الاستواء وأن منها الاستيلاء المجرد عن معنى المغالبة ، ولم يعترض على هذا التفسير ، نقله الكوثري في تعليقه على (( الأسماء والصفات )).
Ibn Jahbal al-Halabiy
28- الشيخ أحمد بن يحيى بن إسماعيل بن جهبل الحلبي الشافعي (ت733هـ ) قال في رسالته التي ألفها في نفي الجهة عن الله ردا على ابن تيمية ما نصه : ((والاستواء بمعنى الاستيلاء )) اهـ ، نقله التاج السبكي في ((طبقاته )) .
Badrudeen bin Jama^ah
29- القاضي محمد بن إبراهيم الشافعي الشهير ببدر الدين بن جماعة ( ت 733 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( إيضاح الدليل )) ما نصه: (( فقوله تعالى : { اسْتَوَى } يتعين فيه معنى الاستيلاء والقهر لا القعود والاستقرار )) اهـ .
Ibn al-hajj - Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Abdariy
30- الشيخ أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد العبدري المغربي المالكي المعروف بابن الحاج ( ت 737 هـ ) كان من أصحاب العلامة الولي العارف بالله الزاهد المقرئ ابن أبي جمرة رحمه الله تعالى ونفعنا به ، ذكر في كتابه (( المدخل )) كلام ابن رشد الجد الذي ذكرناه ءانفا مؤيدا وموافقا له .
al-Faqih Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Ahmad
31- الفقيه شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عبد المؤمن الشافعي المعروف بابن اللبان (ت749هـ ) في كتابه (( إزالة الشبهات )).
Qadiy Abdur-Rahman al-Eeji
31- القاضي عبد الرحمن بن أحمد الإيجي (ت756 هـ ) في كتابه (( المواقف )) .
Taqidu-Deen as-Subkiy
33- الإمام الفقيه تقي الدين علي بن عبد الكافي السبكي الشافعي ( ت756هـ ) قال في كتابه (( السيف الصقيل )) ما نصه :
((فالمقدم على هذا التأويل – أي تأويل الاستواء بالاستيلاء – لم يرتكب محذورا ولا وصف الله تعالى بما لا يجوز عليه )) اهـ .
Al-Mufassir Ahmad bin Yusuf - as-Sameen al-Halabiy
34- اللغوي المفسر أحمد بن يوسف الشافعي المعروف بالسمين الحلبي (ت756هـ ) قال في كتابه (( عمدة الحفاظ )) ما نصه : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى } [سورة طه] : أي استولى )) اهـ.
Ibn Siraj al-Qawnawiy
35- القاضي محمود بن أحمد القونوي الحنفي المعروف بابن السراج (ت770هـ ويقال 771هـ ) كما في كتابه (( القلائد )) .
36-اللغوي مجد الدين محمد بن يعقوب الفيروزابادي ( ت817هـ ) قال في كتابه ((بصائر ذوي التمييز )) عند ذكر معاني الاستواء ما نصه : (( بمعنى القهر والقدر: { اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ }[سورة الأعراف ] { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى }[سورة طه ] )) اهـ .
Taqiyud-Deen al-Husaniy
37- الشيخ الفقيه تقي الدين الحصني الشافعي (ت829هـ ) قال في كتابه (( دفع شبه من شبه وتمرد )) في معرض بيان معنى الاستواء في اللغة ما نصه: (( ومنها الاستيلاء على الشئ )) اهـ .
al'Usuliy Ibn Hammam
38- الفقيه الأصولي كمال الدين محمد بن عبد الواحد الحنفي المعروف بابن الهمام (ت861هـ )قال في كتابه ((المسايرة )) ما نصه : (( أما كون المراد أنه – أي الاستواء – استيلاؤه على العرش فأمر جائز الإرادة )) اهـ .
Muhammad Bin Sulayman al-Kafiji - One of Imam Suytuiy's Sheikhs
39-الشيخ محمد بن سليمان الكافيجي (ت879هـ ) أحد مشايخ السيوطي قال في كتابه (( التيسير )) ما نصه : (( أما التأويل في العرف فهو صرف اللفظ إلى بعض الوجوه ليكون ذلك موافقا للأصول كما إذا قال القائل : الظاهر أن المراد من الاستواء في قوله تعالى : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى}[سورة طه ] هو الاستيلاء بما لاح لي من الدليل فذلك تأويل برأي الشرع )) اهـ.
Qasim Bin Qatloobgha
40- المحدث الشيخ قاسم بن قطلوبغا الحنفي (ت879هـ ) قال في حاشيته على (( المسايرة )) ما نصه : ((قال أهل الحق بأن الاستواء مشترك بين معان ، والمعنى الأليق الاستيلاء )) اهـ .
Kamaluddeen Muhammad Bin Muhammad ash-Shafi^iy
41- الشيخ كمال الدين محمد بن محمد الشافعي المعروف بابن أبي شريف (ت906هـ ) شارح كتاب (( المسايرة)) لابن الهمام الذي مر ذكره ووافقه على التأويل باستولى .
Al-Hafidh as-Suyutiy
42- قال الحافظ السيوطي الشافعي (ت 911هـ ) في كتابه (( الكنـز المدفون )) ما نصه : (( خص – أي الله – الاستواء عليه – أي العرش – وهو استواء استيلاء ، فمن استولى على أعظم المخلوقات استولى على ما دونه )) اهـ
43- الشيخ شهاب الدين أحمد بن محمد القسطلاني الشافعي (ت923هـ ) كما في شرحه على البخاري .
Zakariya Bin Muhammad al-Ansariy
44- القاضي الشيخ زكريا بن محمد الأنصاري المصري الشافعي ( ت926 هـ ) كما في كتابه (( غاية الوصول شرح لب الأصول )) .
Abul-Hassan Ali Muhammad al-Manfui
45- الشيخ أبو الحسن علي بن محمد المنوفي المالكي المصري ( ت939 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( كفاية الطالب )) ما نصه : (( معنى استوائه على عرشه أن الله تعالى استولى عليه استيلاء ملك قادر قاهر، ومن استولى على أعظم الأشياء كان ما دونه منطويا تحته، وقيل الاستواء بمعنى العلو أي علو مرتبه ومكانة لا علو المكان )) اهـ.
Sheikh Zadeh
46- المفسر محمد بن مصطفى الحنفي المعروف بشيخ زاده (ت951هـ) كما في حاشيته على تفسير البيضاوي فقد قال : (( ولا يتوهم من استوائه على العرش كونه معتمدا عليه مستقرا فوقه بحيث لولا العرش لسقط ونزل لأن ذلك مستحيل في حقه تعالى لاتفاق المسلمين على أنه تعالى هو الممسك للعرش والحافظ [ له ] وأنه لا يحتاج إلى شئ مما سواه بل المراد من الاستواء على العرش والله أعلم الاستيلاء عليه ونفاذ التصرف ، وخص العرش بالاستيلاء عليه لأنه أعظم المخلوقات ، قال الشاعر :
قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق )) اهـ
47- الشيخ يوسف بن عبد الله الأرميوني الشافعي (ت958 هـ ) في كتابه (( القول المعتمد )).
Abus-Su^ood Muhammad bin Muhammad al-^amidiy
48- المفسر القاضي أبو السعود محمد بن محمد العمادي الحنفي ( ت982 هـ ) في تفسيره (( إرشاد العقل السليم )).
Ahmad bin Ghunaim an-Nafrawi
49- الشيخ أحمد بن غنيم النفراوي المالكي الأزهري (ت 1126 هـ ) في كتابه (( الفواكه الدواني ))، قال ما نصه :
(( استوى أي استولى بالقهر والغلة استيلاء ملك قاهر وإله قادر، ويلزم من استيلائه تعالى على أعظم الأشياء وأعلاها استيلاؤه على ما دونه )) اهـ .
Mufassir Sulayman bin Omar
50- الشيخ المفسر سليمان بن عمر الشهير بالجمل الشافعي (ت1204 هـ ) نقل في حاشيته على تفسير الجلالين عن شيخه ما نصه : (( طريقة الخلف التأويل بتعيين محمل اللفظ فيؤولون الاستواء بالاستيلاء )) اهـ .
Muhammad Murtada az-Zabidi
51- الحافظ اللغوي الفقيه محمد مرتضى الزبيدي الحنفي (ت1205هـ) قال في شرح الإحياء ما نصه : ((وإذا خيف على العامة لقصور فهمهم عدم فهم الاستواء إذا لم يكن بمعنى الاستيلاء إلا الاتصال ونحوه من لوازم الجسمية فلا بأس بصرف فهمهم إلى الاستيلاء صيانة لهم من المحذور، فإنه قد ثبت إطلاقه وإرادته لغة )) اهـ.
Mohammed al-Tayyib Bin Abdul Majid Ibn Kiran
52- الشيخ محمد الطيب بن عبد المجيد المدعو ابن كيران المالكي (ت1227هـ ) في شرحه على ((المرشد المعين على الضروري من علم الدين (1/448) مفسرا الاستواء على العرش بالقهر والغلبة لقوله:
فلما علونا واستوينا عليهم جعلناهم مرعى لنسر وطائر
وقوله :
قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق ))
وخص العرش لأنه أعظم المخلوقات ، ومن استولى على أعظمها كان استيلاؤه على غيره أحرى )) اهـ .
al-Malikiy as-Sawiy
53- الشيخ أحمد بن محمد المالكي الصاوي ( ت1241هـ ) كما في شرحه على جوهرة التوحيد )) اهـ .
Idris Bin Ahmad al-Wazini al-Fasiy
54- الشيخ إدريس بن أحمد الوزاني الفاسي المولود سنة 1275هـ في (( نشر الطيب )) قال : (( الاستواء يطلق لغة على الاستقرار على الشئ ولكن لا يحمل على ظاهره كما تقول المشبهة بل المراد لازمه الذي هو الاستيلاء بالقهر والغلبة )) اهـ.
Muhammad Bin Darwish al-Hoot
55- المحدث أبو عبد الله محمد بن درويش الحوت البيروتي الشافعي (ت1276هـ ) قال في رسالته (( الدرة البهية في توحيد رب البرية ))ما نصه : (( وقد أول الخلف الاستواء بالقهر والاستيلاء على العرش )) اهـ .
Ibrahim Muhammad al-Bijawiy56- الشيخ إبراهيم محمد البيجوري الشافعي ( ت1277هـ ) كما في شرح (( جوهرة التوحيد))
Muhammad Alauddin Bin Muhammad Ameen Abdeen
57- الشيخ محمد علاء الدين بن محمد أمين عابدين الدمشقي الحنفي (ت1306هـ) في كتابه (( الهدية العلائية )) قال ما نصه : (( وقالوا : (( استوى )) بمعنى استولى )) اهـ.
Muhammad bin Mahfoodh at-Tirmisi al-Andanusiy
58- الشيخ محمد بن محفوظ الترمسي الأندنوسي ( كان حيا سنة 1329 هـ ) قال في تفسير قوله تعالى :{الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى } : (( فالظاهر من ذلك ليس مرادا اتفاقا، ثم السلف يفوضون علم حقيقته على التفصيل إلى الله ، والخلف يؤولونه إلى أن المراد من الاستواء الاستيلاء والملك على حد قول الشاعر : قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق )) اهـ.
Muhammad Nawawiy al-Jawiy
59- الشيخ الفقيه المفسر المتكلم محمد نووي الشافعي الجاوي (ت1316هـ ) في تفسيره .
Sheikh al-Azhar Saleem al-Bishriy
60- شيخ الأزهر في مصر الأستاذ سليم البشري (ت 1335هـ ) : قال في فتوى له نقلها الشيخ سلامة العزامي ( ت1376هـ ) في رسالته (( فرقان القرءان )) : (( إن الاستواء بمعنى الاستيلاء كما هو رأي الخلف )) اهـ.
Tahir Bin Muhammad al-Jaza'iriy
61- الشيخ طاهر بن محمد الجزائري الدمشقي (ت 1338هـ ) كما في كتابه (( الجواهر الكلامية )) .
Abdul-Majeed al-Sharnouby
62- الشيخ عبد المجيد الشرنوبي المصري الأزهري المالكي ( ت 1348هـ ) كما في شرحه على (( تائية السلوك )) وفي (( تقريب المعاني )) .
Muhammad Bin Muhammad al-Khattab as-Subkiy
63- الشيخ محمد بن محمد الخطاب السبكي الأزهري ( ت1352 هـ ) كما في كتابه (( إتحاف الكائنات )) .
Othman Bin Hasanain Biri al-Ja^liy
64- الشيخ عثمان بن حسنين بري الجعلي المالكي ( انتهى المؤلف من شرحه سنة 1364هـ) قال في كتابه (( سراج الملوك شرح أسهل المسالك )) ما نصه : (( وتؤول الاستواء على العرش بالقهر والغلبة بمعنى أن الله تعالى مالك للعرش وما حواه )) اهـ.
Muhammad Abdul-Adheem al-Zurqani
65- الشيخ محمد عبد العظيم الزرقاني ( ت 1367 هـ ) هو مدرس علوم القرءان والحديث في كلية أصول الدين في جامعة الأزهر بمصر ، قال في كتابه (( مناهل العرفان )) طبق ما قرره مجلس الأزهر الأعلى في دراسة تخصص الكليات الأزهرية ما نصه : (( وطائفة المتأخرين يعينون فيقولون : إن المراد بالاستواء هنا هو الاستيلاء والقهر من غير معاناة ولا تكلف لأن اللغة تتسع لهذا المعنى )) اهـ
Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari66- الشيخ محمد زاهد الكوثري ( ت 1371هـ ) كان وكيل مشيخة الإسلام بالاستانة، ووافق في (( تكملة الرد على نونية ابن القيم )) الحافظ الفقيه السبكي على تأويل الاستواء بالاستيلاء .
Salamah al-Qada^i al-^azami
67- الشيخ سلامة القضاعي العزامي ( ت1367 هـ ) كما في كتابه (( البراهين الساطعة ))، ورسالته (( فرقان القرءان )).
Kitab: al-Aeedah al-Islamiyah
68- كتاب العقيدة الإسلامية : التوحيد من الكتاب والسنة .
Ibrahim ad-Dusuqiy - Wazir Awqaf Egypt
69- الشيخ إبراهيم الدسوقي وزير الأوقاف سابقا ( مصر ) .
Hussein Bin Abur-Rahim Makiy
70- الشيخ حسين بن عبد الرحيم مكي في كتابه (( مذكرات التوحيد )).
Kitab: Mashroo^ Zaid li Tahfidh al-Qur'an -
71- وكذا في كتاب (( مشروع زايد لتحفيظ القرءان الكريم )) بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة .
Muhammad Hamid Imam Jami^ as-Sultan - Hamah
72- قال الشيخ محمد حامد ( مدرس وخطيب جامع السلطان بحماه ) في كتابه (( ردود على أباطيل )): (( وإن استواء الله على عرشه يجري فيه مذهبان للسلف والخلف، فالسلف يفوضون معناه إلى الله تعالى مع التنـزيه، والخلف يؤولونه بالاستيلاء على العرش وهو أعظم المكونات، فهو إذن مستول على غيره بالأولى من غير استعصاء سابق لا من العرش ولا من غيره )) اهـ.
Sheikh Abdul-Kareem - Imam Jami^ al-Ahmadiy - Baghdad
73- الشيخ عبد الكريم المدرس ( إمام وخطيب جامع الأحمدي والمدرس في الحضرة الكيلانية ببغداد ) في كتابه (( الوسيلة )) .
Allamah Muhaddith Abdullah al-Harariy ash-Shafi^iy - Sharh Tahawiyah
74- الشيخ العلامة المحدث عبد الله الهرري الشافعي قال في شرح العقيدة الطحاوية ما نصه : (( يفهم من الاستواء القهر والاستيلاء إذ هو أشرف معاني الاستواء، وهو مما يليق بالله تعالى، لأنه وصف نفسه بأنه قهار، فلا يجوز أن يترك ما هو لائق بالله تعالى إلى ما هو غير لائق بالله تعالى وهو الجلوس والاتصال والاستقرار )) اهـ.
There are some people who used Quran and hadiths to prove Allah only exists above the throne in a particularspace or areaand even sits there or is established on the throne. They misquote Quran and interpret methaphoric and allegorical verses literally.Which leads to anthropomorphism
Let uss see what the beliefs Bible are
Donot follow the Jews and Christians in Aqeeda
Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] warned us ,[
“Oppose the People of Book (Jews &
musnad ahmad 2234
Now What is belief of Bible lets see
“Revelation 4:2-11
And when the living creatures give glory and honour and thanks to Him Who sits on the throne, to Him Who lives forever and ever, (10) the twenty-four elders will fall down before Him Who sits on the throne, and will worship Him Who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying, For Thou hast maintained my just cause; Thou dost sit on the throne judging righteously. [ Bible book of ’Psalms 9:4 ]]
Then Bible says
“God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.” Psalms 47:8
Than bible says
“...I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.”[ Isaiah 6:1]
Isaiah Chapter 6, it is written :
“1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Now this is what famous Saudi Sheikh
Ibn Uthmayeen said
Uthmayeen Himself said Allah throne Means Jaloos
scan of uthameyeen fatwa
Ibn Uthmayeen again said
In his work “Aqidat Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah” he states after mentioning Yunus:3,
واستواؤه على العرش: علوه عليه بذاته علوَّاً خاصاً يليق بجلاله وعظمته لا يعلم كيفيته إلا هو.,
[We believe that He "created the Heavens and the Earth in six days, then He settled Himself on the throne; He manages everything" (10:3).] His “settling on the throne” means that He [Allah] is sitting in person (bi-dhaatih) on His throne in a way that is becoming to His majesty and greatness. No one save He knows the kayfiyyah [of the sitting].
Scanned page
from Beliefs of Sahabas [ra] like Imam Ali [ra]
Ijma of Sahabas [ra] held the view that Allah has no makaan (place, station). ,
Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (’alayhis salaam) is recorded to have said
كان- الله- ولا مكان، وهو الان على ما- عليه- كان
“Allah was without place, and He is now as He was [then].” ((الفرق بين الفرق لأبي منصور البغدادي [ ص / 333 ] )),
Abi Mansur Al-Baghdadi also quotes Imam ‘Ali (radhiya Allahu ‘anhu) as saying,
إن الله تعالى خلق العرش إظهارًا لقدرته لا مكانا لذاته
,“Verily Allah , the exalted, created the throne to manifest His power, not as a place for his essence.” ,
Imam Zaynul-’Aabidin ’Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (radhiya Allahu ‘Anhu) stated,
أنت الله الذي لا يحويك مكان
“You are Allah , who does not occupy place!”
[It-haaf As-Saadat Al-Muttaqin 2/24 ]
Subhanallah, Even Hadrat Ali [ra] was away from anthropomorphism [mujassimait ]
Beliefs of Classical scholars
Imam An-Nasafi (701 or 710 AH) states in his Tafsir
إنه تعالى كان ولا مكان فهو على ما كان قبل خلق المكان، لم يتغير عما كان.
“Verily He, the exalted, was without place, and He is as He was before creating (the entity of) ‘place’, not changing as He was [Tafsīr An-Nisfi Surah Taha Volume 2]
The Shaykh Abul abbas shihad ud din Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Qastalānī Al-Masrī (d. 933 AH) said in his Sharh (gloss) of Sahīh Al-Bukhārī
ذات الله منزه عن المكان والجهة
“Allah ’s essence is free from space (makān) and direction (jihah[Irshād As-Sārī 15/451]
He also stated when explaining the verse, “…Looking at their Lord” [Qur’an 75:23]:
بلاكيفية ولاجهة ولا ثبوت مسافة
,“Without modality, without direction, without establishing distance.
” [Irshād As-Sārī 15/462]
The Maliki Qadhi Ibn Rushd the Elder (d. 520), said:ليس- الله- في مكان، فقد كان قبل أن يخلق المكان
Allah ta’alaa is not in a space, for He was before ’space’ was created.” [Quoted by Ibn Al-Haaj in Al-Madkhal]
He also stated,
فلا يقال أين ولا كيف ولا متى لأنه خالق الزمان والمكان
“,It is not to be asked ‘Where’, ‘How’, or ‘When’ for He created The time as well as space.” [Ibid 3/181]
He also stated,
وإضافته- أي العرش- إلى الله تعالى إنما هو بمعنى التشريف له كما يقال: بيت الله وحرمه، لا أنه محل له وموضع لاستقراره
And the ascription of the ‘Arsh (throne) to Allah ta’alaa is with the meaning of honouring Him, just as it is said ‘The House of Allah and Its Sanctity”. It is not because it is His place or the abode for which he sits (istiqraar).” [Al-Madkhal 2:149,Also Ibn Hajr in his Fat-hul Baari]
beliefs of salafs and classical scholars
, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Khatib al bhagdadi stated (d 977 AH)
وقال الشيخ محمد الخطيب الشربيني المصري مانصه “ثبت بالدليل القطعي أنه- تعالى- ليس بمتحيز لئلا يلزم التجسيم ”
,It is established by the absolute proofs that He, the exalted, is not localized in space (mutahayyiz) as that necessitates tajsīm (anthropomorphism).”
He (rahimahullah) also said quoting the exegete Imam Qurtubi
قال القرطبي- المفسّر-: ووصْفه- تعالى- بالعلوّ والعظمة لا بالأماكن والجهات والحدود لأنها صفات الأجسام، ولأنه تعالى خلَق الأمكنة وهو غير متحيز، وكان في أزله قبل خلق المكان والزمان ولا مكان له ولا زمان، وهو الآن على ما عليه كان ” ا.هـ. أي موجود بلا جهة ولا مكان.
“And Allah , the exalted, ascribed to himself ‘Uluww (highness) and ‘Athmah (greatness), and this is without spaces (Al-amākan), directions, and limits as these qualities are attributes of ajsam (bodies or created things). That is also due to the fact that He, the exalted, created space and He is not localized in space (mutahayyiz), and He was in sempiternity before He created space and time, while there was no space for Him nor time. He is now as He was (exalted be He).” Al-Khatīb then says, “Meaning existing without direction or place.”
Ibn Hajar Asqalani [rah] said
وإضافته- أي العرش- إلى الله تعالى إنما هو بمعنى التشريف له كما يقال: بيت الله وحرمه، لا أنه محل له وموضع لاستقراره
,And the ascription of the ‘Arsh (throne) to Allah ta’alaa is with the meaning of honouring Him, just as it is said ‘The House of Allah and Its Sanctity”. It is not because it is His place or the abode for which he sits (istiqraar).” Al-Madkhal 2:149, Also Ibn Hajr in his Fat-hul Baari]
from salaf us saliheen
Imam Malik [rah] believed Istiwa[ throne of Allah] cannot be conceived or imagined or taken literally
كنّا عند مالك بن أنس, فجاء رجل, فقال: يا أبا عبد الله, الرحمن على العرش استوى, فكيف استوى؟ قال: فأطرق مالك رأسه حتى علاه الرحضاء على رأسه, ثمّ قال: الاستواء غير مجهول, والكيف غير معقول, والإيمان به واجب, السؤال عنه بدعة, وما أراك إلا مبتدعا. فأمر به أن يخرج.
We were with Màlik ibn Anas when a man came and said: “O Abâ ‘Abd Allah, al-Raämàn made istiwà on the throne. How did he make istiwà?” Màlik bowed his head [in thought] and sweat appeared on him, then he said: “Istiwà is not unknown [that is, it is known to be a fact whatever it means because it was mentioned in the Qur’an], but howis not something we can conceive[since He is other than whatever we imagine Him to be ]. Moreover, it is obligatory for us to believe in it [whatever it might mean] and asking about its meaning is a deviant innovation (bid‘ah), and I think that you are a deviant innova-tor.” Then he ordered him to be put out.
[al-Baihaqá reported another account of this incident with a full chain of narration by way of Yàäyà ibn Yaäyà ibn Bakár al-Nisàbârá (142-227 = 759-840)]
Imam Malik [rah] believed Istiwa[ throne of Allah] cannot be conceived or imagined or taken literally
After reporting the above, al-Baihaqá added that a similar answer was reported from the distinguished teacher of Màlik, al-Rabá‘ah ibn Abá ‘Abd al-Raämàn (d. 136 h. / 753), Al-Baihaqá reported with a chain of narration reported
سئل الربيعة عن قول الله تبارك وتعالى (الرمن على الأرش استوى) كيف استوى؟ قال الكيف مجهول والاستوى غير معقول ويجب علىّ وعليك الإيمان بذلك كله.
Al-Rabá‘ah was asked about His word, blessed and exalted is He, “The Merciful made istiwà,” how did he make istiwà? He said,“How He did is unknown, and the istiwà is in-conceivable, while belief in it is mandatory for me and you.
so even Imam Malik [rah] believed in Istiwa [rah] but never took it literally as you do or thought it can be conceived or imagined
Imam Qurtubi (rah) on Allegorical verses - Called people like wahabis idol worshippers for anthropomorphism
I have been watching some people trying to spread that "all" attributes of Allah are to be taken on its literal meaning, some are even making fun of it like Nirvana did and tried to make a sketch of Allah (Naudhobillah)
The simple and explicit answer regarding not to delve into Mutashabihaat is given in Quran itself, I have already used that ayah as a proof but some people still delve into it so I considered it necessary to given classical commentary on the ayah from leading Mufasir of Quran i.e. Imam Qurtubi (Rahimuhullah)! He is amongst the top most Mufasireen and scholars, Muslims uphold the magnificence and usefulness of his marvelous Tafsir work called “Jami ul Ahkaam ul Quran”
In it he explains the beautiful ayah of Quran which talks about It having both Plain and allegorical verses.
Quran states: He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: In it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.(3:7)
The mainstream Ahlus Sunnah always battled against the literalists by simply attributing the meanings of Mutashabihaat onto Allah Ta’la alone, for example Hands of Allah, foot, shin, laughter, his descent, his establishment etc... The true and actual meaning of these are known by none but Allah, however while explaining to ultra-curious laymen the best opinion is to interpret them into what suits Allah’s Majesty.
The Original Arabic Reference!
***Imam Qurtubi (rah) writes***
قوله تعالى: { فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ ٱبْتِغَاءَ ٱلْفِتْنَةِ وَٱبْتِغَاءَ تَأْوِيلِهِ } قال شيخنا أبو العباس رحمة الله عليه: متبِعو المتشابه لا يخلو أن يتبعوه ويجمعوه طلباً للتشكيك في القرآن وإضلالِ العوامّ، كما فعلته الزنادقة والقرامِطة الطاعنون في القرآن؛ أو طلباً لاعتقاد ظواهر المتشابه، كما فعلته المجسِّمة الذِين جمعوا ما في الكتاب والسنة مما ظاهره الجِسمية حتى ٱعتقدوا أن البارىء تعالى جسم مجسم وصورة مصوّرة ذات وجه وعين ويد وجنب ورجل وأصبع، تعالى الله عن ذلكٰ؛ أو يتبعوه على جهة إبداء تأويلاتها وإيضاح معانيها، أو كما فعل صبِيغ حين أكثر على عمر فيه السؤال. فهذه أربعة أقسام:
الأوّل: لا شك في كفرهم، وأن حكم الله فيهم القتل من غير ٱستتابة.
الثاني: الصحيح القول بتكفيرهم، إذ لا فرق بينهم وبين عباد الأصنام والصور، ويستتابون فإن تابوا وإلا قتلوا كما يفعل بمن ٱرتدّ.
الثالث: ٱختلفوا في جواز ذلك بناء على الخلاف في جواز تأويلها. وقد عرف أنّ مذهب السلف ترك التعرّض لتأويلها مع قطعهم بٱستحالة ظواهرها، فيقولون أمِرّوها كما جاءت. وذهب بعضهم إلى إبداء تأويلاتها وحملِها على ما يصح حمله في اللسان عليها من غير قطع بتعيين مجمل منها.
الرابع: الحكم فيه الأدب البليغ، كما فعله عمر بصبيغ
Verdicts which shake the foundation of Literalists
Translation: The Exalted said: {But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings} Our Shaykh, Abul Abbas (Rahimuhullah) said: Furthermore, the followers of the allegorical verses (mutashabih) are not free from: Following it and collecting it, seeking to raise doubts in the Qur’an and (seeking to) misguide the laymen as done by the Zanadiqah (deviants), the Qaramitah, and the refuters of the Quran. Or seeking to believe in the "Outward (Zawahir)" meanings of the mutashabih as done by the Mujasmiya (deluded ones who give physical traits to Allah), those who collected from the Quran and Sunnah whatever gave a physical meaning when taken literally (dhahir). To the extent that they believed that the Creator is a physical body and a fashioned form, possessing a face and other things: hand, eye, side and finger. Exalted is Allah from that, with the most Supreme Exaltation. Or they sought out these (mutashabih) with a view to manifest its interpretations and clarify its meanings. Or (they did) like Subaygh when he asked ‘Umar about them (the mutashabih) excessively.
So there are four categorical (verdicts) on them
The First: There is no doubt about their disbelief (kufr) and that the judgment of Allah concerning them is execution without even asking them to repent.
The Second: The most sound (opinion) is to make takfīr on them (to consider them to be kafirs), since there is no difference between them and worshipers of idols and images. And they should be asked to repent. Thereafter, either they’ll repent, or if not, they should be executed as is done to an apostate (murtad).
It is impossible to take them literally
The Third: There is a difference of opinion concerning that (action) based upon the difference of opinion in the permissibility of (various) interpretations. And it is known that the madhhab of the Salaf (pious predecessors) was to leave the undertaking of interpreting them while being certain that the literal meaning (Zawahir) was impossible. So they would say, “Let it pass as it came!” And some of them (the Salaf) took the madhhab of manifesting its interpretations by interpreting it with meanings consistent with the (Arabic) tongue without definitively confirming a specific possible meaning.
The Fourth: The judgment for him is to be taught a profound lesson as Amir ul Momineen Umar ibn al Khattab did to Subaygh[Tafsir ul Qurtubi i.e. Jami ul Ahkaam ul Quran under 3:7]
Great explanation by Imam Qurtabi (rah) Jazza k Allah Aamir for sharing.
حدثنا عبد الله بن مسلمة حدثنا يزيد بن إبراهيم التستري عن ابن أبي مليكة عن القاسم بن محمد عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت
تلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم هذه الآية
هو الذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات محكمات هن أم الكتاب وأخر متشابهات فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله وما يعلم تأويله إلا الله والراسخون في العلم يقولون آمنا به كل من عند ربنا وما يذكر إلا أولو الألباب
قالت قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فإذا رأيت الذين يتبعون ما تشابه منه فأولئك الذين سمى الله فاحذروهم
Translation: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle recited the Verse: "It is He Who sent down upon you the Book, in which some verses have clear meaning, they are the substance of the Book, and others are those, in the meaning of which there is doubt. Those in whose hearts there is perversity pursue doubtful one desiring deviation and searching their own viewpoint of it, and its right interpretation is known to Allah alone. And those of firm knowledge say, 'We believed in it, all is from our Lord and none accept admonition save men of understanding". (3.7) Then Allah's Apostle said, "If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear, then they are those whom Allah has named [as having deviation (from the Truth)] 'SO BEWARE OF THEM'. [Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 70]
From Imam Shafi [rah] quoted by Imam Suyuti [rah] in Al-Ashbah wa An-Nadha'ir
Al-Hafidh As-Suyutiyy copies the statement of Imam Ash-Shafi‘iyy that Al-Mujassimah (those who believe that Allah has bodily attributes i.e. present-day wahhabis) are blasphemers.
From Classical book Tabsirah Al-Adillah Imam Abu Muain
in Maymun Ibn Muhammad An-Nasafiyy has stated in his book Tabsirah Al-Adillah that the one who affirms a place to Allah has blasphemed.
exposing from Imam Bayhaqi [rah]
Imam Bayhaiqyy in al-Asma' wa as-Sifat
al-Hafidh Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqiyy said: "Some of our companions used as evidence to deny a place for Allah, the saying of the Prophet:"O Allah You are adh-Dhahir so there is nothing above You, O Allah, You are al-Batin so there is nothing beneath You".So if there is nothing above Him and nothing below him is that He is not in a place."
Abu hanifa [rah] and Mullah Ali Qari [rah] Opinion of Abu Hanifa from Mullah Ali Qari in Minah ar-Rawd al-Azhar fi Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar said
He said in his explanation of the book al-Fiqh al-Akbar, pages 333 - 334:
To answer this [i.e. the false assumptions], we can cite the Shaykh, Imam Ibn Abdus-Salaam, who in his book al-Hal Ramuz, said that Abu Hanifah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "Whoever says:" I do not know if God is in heaven or on earth has committed kufr, because it has assigned a place to God (al-Haqq), and one who thinks that God is in a place is an anthropomorphic (mushabbih)." There is no doubt that Ibn Abdus-Salam is one of the scholars most reliable and secure, therefore it is obligatory to believe in what he reported."
Abu hanifa [rah] and Mullah Ali Qari [rah] In the same book as above, p.355, he says:
"Those who were unjust, who are among those who LIED concerning Allah, or claimed things that included the confirmation of a PLACE to Allah, a DIRECTION in front of [Him] and confirmation of distance [between Him and His creatures] and everything like that is a kafir"
from classical scholars
Imam Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy[rah] In his book Usul ad-Din, pages 337-338, Imam Abu Mansur al-Baghdadiyy refutes Mujassimah (those who attribute a body (jism) to Allah). On page 337, he said: "As for Jismiyyah (those who attribute to God a body) of Khurasan among Karramiyyah, declaring them unbelievers is mandatory, because they affirm that Allah HAS A LIMIT , and an end to the bottom, and that He would connect with the throne, and also their saying that there are created things that occur in Allah."
He continues to say: "By allowing [the belief] that Allah has created things that occur in Him, they ruin for themselves the evidence of the Oneness of God. That means, that bodies are created because they have created things in them . Thus, according to their own reasoning, they can not prove that the world has a beginning, and therefore they have no way of knowing the Creator of the world. Consequently, they do not know... Everyone who disagreed with them, have agreed on the fact that they (al-Mujassimah) are people of hell, so in that respect, they are the worst of all deviant sects."
Imam Abul-Barakat Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Nasafiyy [rah] in his magnificent Tafsir
wrote on page 164, volume 2 of his Tafsir of Qur'an: "About the ayah:
وَلِلّهِ الأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا وَذَرُواْ الَّذِينَ يُلْحِدُونَ فِي أَسْمَآئِ
which means: "And Allah has the Perfect Names, so invoke Him by these Names, and stay away from those who demonstrate ilhaad [atheism] to these names." Surah al-'Araf verse 180.
"It is atheism (ilhaad) then to call Allah "body" (jism) or 'atom/smallest particle' (jawhar) or "reason" ( 'aql) or "cause" ('illah) ."
Imam Qurtubi [rah]
Imam al-Qurtubiyy said in his Tafsir, in the first verse of Istiwa in Qur'an, volume 1 pages 254, Surah Al-Baqarah verse: "This verse is part of the problematic verses and people concerning this verse and similar verses are divided into three groups. Some have said, "we read, and we believe without doing explaining, and this is the opinion of many of the imams. It is as has been reported from Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, that a man was asked about the verse "ar-Rahmanu 'alal-arshi-stawa and he said "The istawa is not unknown, and how (kayf) is inconceivable, and belief in it (istiwa) is obligatory and questioning on this subject is a [bad] innovation, and I see you're a bad person! So he ordered the man to be thrown out. Some others have said, "we read and we explain by what is apparent in the language. And this is the saying of anthropomorphists (mushabbihah). And others said: "We read and we interpret them and we prohibit the act of taking them as the apparent meaning.
Now question arises who are people who do explanation of istiwa
REPLY: Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Baaz [wahabi top scholar] , Uthmayeen and other salafis
Here is proof
Ibn Uthmayeen said
In his work “Aqidat Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah” he states after mentioning Yunus:3,
واستواؤه على العرش: علوه عليه بذاته علوَّاً خاصاً يليق بجلاله وعظمته لا يعلم كيفيته إلا هو.
[We believe that He "created the Heavens and the Earth in six days, then He settled Himself on the throne; He manages everything" (10:3).] His “settling on the throne” means that He [Allah] is sitting in person (bi-dhaatih) on His throne in a way that is becoming to His majesty and greatness. No one save He knows the kayfiyyah.
scan page
Imam Qurtubi [rah] Fatwa of kufr applies on Ibn Taymiyyah perfectly In his Tafsir named "an-Nahrul-Madd", the Grammarian Abu Hayyan al-'Andalusi reported about Ibn Taymiyahhaving this belief. He said: In his handwriting, a book of Ahmad Ibn Taymiyah, who was contemporary with us, which he called "Kitab-ul-‘Arsh", I read: Allah sits on al-Kursi and has left a space for the Messenger of Allah to sit with Him.[/ews] At-Taj Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali Ibn ‘Abdil-Haqq al-Baranbari pretended that he is a promoter of his ideas and tricked him, until he took it from him; we read that in it.
[The author of "Kashf-uz-Zunun" reported that about him also in Volume 2, page 1438.] This reporting of Abu Hayyan was omitted from the old printed copy. However, the manuscript confirms it.
Imam Nawawi [rah] KUFR Fatwa on those who say Allah is only in one place
Imam al-Nawawiyy said in his book of fiqh al-Majmu' in 18 volumes, volume 15 page 470: "Chapter: If both spouses, or one of them-apostatize, then, if it occurred before the consummation of the contract (ie before any intercourse between them): the separation is effective. And if it was after the consummation of the contract, the separation is effective after the expiry of the statutory waiting period ('iddah). Therefore, they go back to Islam (ie if they again become both Muslims) before the expiry of the statutory waiting period, then they are still in their marriage contract, but if they do not return (to Islam) then the separation is effective."
Here he explains that committing apostasy breaks the marriage contract under certain conditions.This is a point of fiqh and not belief, but we do present this because it is an important consequence in terms of what was related from the scholars who said clearly that believing that God is in one place is blasphemy (kufr)
From Abu Dawood
In his commentary of Sunan Abu Dawud, volume 5 page 102, al-Imam Abu Sulayman al-Khattabiyy said: "[Here he relates their word:] If someone asks" how is it that God 'yanzil? (if translated literlly, one might say 'descends')' He (an ignorant person) will reply: "God yanzil" as He Wills ". And if he asks, "Does God moves when" yanzil "or not? He (an ignorant person) will answer: "He wants if He moves, and if He wants, He does not move."
I (al-Khattabiyy) say: This is a monumental mistake, and God the Exalted, is not ascribed with movement because movement and stillness succeed in the same substance, and certainly can be attributed with movement, can be attributed with immobility, and both states are physical properties [attributes of body] that come into existence, and are attributed to creatures. But God is free from these two states, there is nothing like Him. If this "shaykh", may Allah guide us and him [meaning: may Allah guide him to the proper belief] had followed the path of the as-Salaf as-Salih ("the Pious Predecessors"), he would not enter himself in what is meaningless, because they did not utter anything that was similar to that monstrous (blasphemous) error. "
Imam Bukhari opinion in Sahih bukhari [rah]
Imam Al-Bukhari in his Sahih explains the term "wajh [face]" which the wahhabis say means "literal and physical face of Allah [naoozbila " to mean "Dominion".
From Sahih Muslim and Imam Nawawi [rah]
The following is a translation of some of what Imam An-Nawawiyy said in explaning hadith of Slave girl which khawarijs used to prove Allah is only in sky :
He said: This is one of the "hadiths of the attributes," about which scholars have two positions. The first is to have faith in it without discussing its meaning, while believing of Allah the Exalted that "there is nothing whatsoever like unto Him" (Qur'an 42:11), and that He is exalted above having any of the attributes of His creatures. The second is to figuratively explain it in a fitting way, [scholars who hold this position adducing that the point of the hadith was to test the slave girl: Was she a monotheist, who affirmed that the Creator, is Allah alone and that He is the one called upon when a person making supplication (du'a) faces the sky--just as those performing the prayer (salat) face the Ka‘bah, since the sky is the qiblah of those who supplicate, as the Ka‘bah is the qiblah of those who perform the prayer--or was she a worshipper of the idols which they placed in front of themselves? So when she said according to the literal translation, "In the sky", it was plain that she was not an idol worshiper...
Al-Qadi ‘Iyad stated: There is no disagreement among Muslims, one and all--their legal scholars, their hadith scholars, their scholars of theology, both those of them capable of expert scholarly reasoning and those who merely follow the scholarship of others--that the textual evidences that mention Allah the Exalted being [if translated literally] "in the sky", such as His words that [if translated literally would say], "Do you feel safe that He who is in the sky will not make the earth swallow you," and so forth, are NOT as their literal sense (dhahir) seems to imply, but rather, all scholars interpret them in other than their ostensive sense..
in Famous biography of
al-Imam Abu Hasan al-Ashariy, al-Hafidh Abul Qasim Ibn Asakir said
, on page 150: "Similarly, the Najjariyah say 'that the Creator is in all places without the confinment and without direction', while the Hashawiyyah and the Mujassimah say 'He is confined to the throne, the throne is His place, and He is sitting on it.' As for al-Imam al-Ash'ariyy, he chose a path that is between the two, and he said that God existed when there was no place, then He created the Throne and kursiyy. He did not need the place, and He is, after creating the place, as He was before He had created it."
Ibn Kathir on mujassamiya
Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) has given a wonderful explanation of 7:54 (and guess what some people have tried their best to forge it and change the quote completely opposite to what he actually said, but of course they had to be caught)
He wrote: [Then He ‘established’ (istawa) upon the Throne" – (Qur’an 7:54)], People have too many positions on this matter, and this is not the place to present them at length.[ فللناس في هذا المقام مقالات كثيرة جداً ليس هذا موضع بسطها ] On this point, we follow the position of the righteous early Muslims (salaf)—Malik, Awza‘i, Thawri, Layth ibn Sa‘d, Shaf’i, Ahmad, Ishaq ibn Rahawayh, as well as others among the Imams of the Muslims, ancient and modern—(namely) to let it pass as it has come, without saying how it is meant [، وهو إمرارها كما جاءت من غير تكييف], without any resemblance (to created things), and without nullifying it (wa la ta‘til):"THE OUTWARD (LITERAL) meaning that comes to the minds of anthropomorphists is negated of Allah[، والظاهر المتبادر إلى أذهان المشبهين منفي عن الله] for nothing created has any resemblance to Him: "There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing" (Qur’an 42:11)
[Tafsir Ibn Kathir under 7:54]
Note: english translation of tafsir ibn kathir is forged and edited, this is present in arabic books of ibn kathir ehere he exposed literalists and their kufr .
This research was done by aamir
Ibn Hajar haythami [rah] quoting viewpoint of Abu hanifa, Imam Malik,Imam Shafi [rah] and Imam Ahmed [rah]
Ibn Hajar Al-Haytamiyy said: " Know that al-Qarafiyy and others narrated from al-Shafi'iyy, Malik, Ahmad and Abu Hanifah that those who say that Allah is in a direction, or has a body, have committed blasphemy -- and they deserve this verdict."
Scans of al-Minhaj al-Qawim ^^ continue
refutation of anthropomorphism -mujassism
Forgetting of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Tabari [rah]
"Today We forget you as you have forgotten this day of yours" (Qur'an 45:34),,
which the early Muslims used to interpret figuratively, as reported by a scholar who was himself an early Muslim (salaf) and indeed, the sheikh of the early Muslims in Qur'anic exegesis, the hadith master (hafiz) Ibn Jarir al-Tabari who died 310 years after the Hijra, and who explains the above verse as meaning: "‘This day, Resurrection Day, We shall forget them,’ so as to say, ‘We shall abandon them to their punishment.’" Now, this is precisely ta’wil, or interpretation in other than the verse’s ostensive sense. Al-Tabari ascribes this interpretation, through his chains of transmission, to the Companion (Sahabi) Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be well pleased with him) as well as to Mujahid, Ibn ‘Abbas’s main student in Qur'anic exegesis
(Jami‘ al-bayan, 8.202).
refutation of anthropomorphism -mujassism
Shin [leg] of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Tabari [rah]
Of the Qur'anic verse,
"On a day when shin shall be exposed, they shall be ordered to prostrate, but be unable" (Qur'an 68:42),
al-Tabari says, "A number of the exegetes of the Companions (Sahaba) and their students (tabi‘in) held that it [a day when shin shall be exposed] means that a dire matter (amrun shadid) shall be disclosed"
(Jami‘ al-bayan, 29.38)—the shin’s association with direness being that it was customary for Arab warriors fighting in the desert to ready themselves to move fast and hard through the sand in the thick of the fight by lifting the hems of their garments above the shin. This was apparently lost upon later anthropomorphists, who said the verse proved ‘Allah has a shin,’ or, according to others, ‘two shins, since one would be unbecoming.’ Al-Tabari also relates from Muhammad ibn ‘Ubayd al-Muharibi, who relates from Ibn al-Mubarak, from Usama ibn Zayd, from ‘Ikrima, from Ibn ‘Abbas that shin in the above verse means "a day of war and direness (harbin wa shidda)"
,(Jami‘ al-bayan., 29.38)
All of these narrators are those of the sahih or rigorously authenticated collections except Usama ibn Zayd, whose hadiths are hasan or ‘well authenticated.’
Shin [leg] of Allah - HOW WAHABIS interpret it
Muhin Khan and Hilali the famous Wahabi translators write in footnote of this verse
All that has been revealed in Allah’s Book as regards the [Sifat] Qualities of Allah Azz wajjal, the Most High, like his Face, Eyes, Hands, “SHINS (LEGS)”, his coming his (Istawa) rising over His Throne and others…..the religious scholars of the Qur’an and the Sunnah believe in these Qualities of Allah and they confirm that these are really his Qualities, without Ta’wil(interpreting their meanings into different things)[Page No 81 in the footnote]
Muhsin Khan changed Shin into Shins (Legs) , which is both wrong in Lughwi and Sh'ai sense and is also clear Anthropomorphism, hence you are wrong, muhsin khan convert a singular into plural for sure to justify their anthropomorphism, but you made a confusing statement as if we dont know if they are many or not.
Laughter of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Bukhari [rah]
, Of the hadith related in Sahih al-Bukhari from Abu Hurayra that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,
Allah Most High laughs about two men, one of whom kills the other, but both of whom enter paradise: the one fights in the path of Allah and is killed, and afterwards Allah forgives the killer, and then he fights in the path of Allah and is martyred,
the hadith master al-Bayhaqi records that the scribe of Bukhari [Muhammad ibn Yusuf] al-Farabri related that Imam al-Bukhari said, "The meaning of laughter in it is MERCY
(Kitab al-asma’ wa al-sifat, 298)
Coming of Allah - to be taken allegorically not literally like wahabis do- Imam Bayhaqi [rah]
The hadith master (hafiz) Ibn Kathir reports that Imam al-Bayhaqi related from al-Hakim from Abu ‘Amr ibn al-Sammak, from Hanbal, the son of the brother of Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s father, that
Ahmad ibn Hanbal figuratively interpreted the word of Allah Most High,
"And your Lord shall come . . ." (Qur'an 89:22),
as meaning "His recompense (thawab) shall come."
Al-Bayhaqi said, "This chain of narrators has absolutely nothing wrong in it"
(al-Bidaya wa al-nihaya,10.342)
In other words, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, like the Companions (Sahaba) and other early Muslims mentioned above, sometimes also gave figurative interpretations (ta’wil) to scriptural expressions that might otherwise have been misinterpreted anthropomorphically.
From famous writer of Shah sahih bukhari
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) says:
إذا حملوه , وإن كان حامل العرش وحامل حملته هو الله , وليس قولنا إن الله على العرش أي مماس له أو متمكن فيه أو متحيز في جهة من جهاته بل هو خبر جاء به التوقيف , فقلنا له به ونفينا عنه التكييف إذ ليس كمثله شيء وبالله التوفيق . وقوله " فوق عرشه " صفة الكتاب , وقيل إن فوق هنا بمعنى دون , كما جاء في قوله تعالى ( بعوضة فما فوقها ) وهو بعيد , وقال ابن أبي جمرة يؤخذ من كون الكتاب المذكور فوق العرش أن الحكمة اقتضت أن يكون العرش حاملا لما شاء الله من أثر حكمة الله وقدرته وغامض غيبه ليستأثر هو بذلك من طريق العلم والإحاطة , فيكون من أكبر الأدلة على انفراده بعلم الغيب , قال : وقد يكون ذلك تفسيرا لقوله ( الرحمن على العرش استوى ) أي ما شاءه من قدرته وهو كتابه الذي وضعه فوق العرش
When we say: "Allah is above the Throne" (Allah `ala al-`arsh), it does not mean that He is touching it or that He is located on it or bounded by a certain side of the Throne
Rather, it is a report which is transmitted as is, and so we repeat it while at the same time negating any modality, for there is nothing like Him whatsoever, and from Him is all success.
As for "over His throne" (in the hadith) it refers to the Book. Some have taken it in the sense of "upwards from His Throne," as in Allah's saying: "a gnat, or anything above it" (2:26), but this is far-fetched. Ibn Abu Jamra (d. 695) said: "It may be said from the fact that the Book is mentioned as being "above the Throne" that the divine wisdom has decreed for the Throne to carry whatever Allah wishes of the record of His judgment, power, and the absolute unseen known of Him alone, so as to signify the exclusivity of His encompassing knowledge regarding these matters, making the Throne one of the greatest signs of the exclusivity of His knowledge of the Unseen. This could explain the verse al-rahmanu `al al-`arshi istawa as referring to whatever Allah wills of His power, which is the Book He has placed above His Throne."
- Al-Qushayri views
on where is Allah
The establishment of His Throne in the heaven is known, and His Throne in the earth is the hearts of the People of Pure Monotheism (ahl al-tawhid). He said: { and eight will uphold the Throne of their Lord that day, above them} (69:17), and [concerning] the throne of the hearts: { We carry them on the land and the sea} (17:70). As for the throne of the heaven: the Merciful established Himself over it (`alayhi istawa); and as for the throne of the hearts: the Merciful conquered it (`alayhi istawla). The throne of the heaven is the direction of the supplication of creatures, while the throne of the heart is the locus of the gaze of the Real - Most High -. Therefore, there is a huge difference between this throne and that!
[In Lata'if al-Isharat (4:118)]
Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash`ari said views
on where is Allah
"The establishment of Allah - Most High - on the Throne is an action He has created named istiwa' and related to the Throne, just as He has created an action named ityan (coming) related to a certain people; and this implies neither descent nor movement."[As cited in `Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, Usul al-Din (p. 113).]
► Al-Bayhaqi confirms this: "Abu al-Hasan `Ali al-Ash`ari said that Allah - Most High - effected an act in relation to the Throne, and He called that act istiwa', just as He effected other acts in relation to other objects, and He calledthose acts 'sustenance' (rizq), `favor' (ni`ma), or other of His acts."[Al-Bayhaqi, al-Asma' wa al-Sifat (2:308)]
► This is also the interpretation of Ibn Hazm (d. 456) - although a vehement enemy of Ash`aris - who explains istiwa' as "an act pertaining to the Throne[In his al-Fisal fi al-Milal (2:125).]
Abu al-Fadl al-Tamimi on
position of Imam Ahmad said views
on where is Allah
mentioned that two positions were reported from Imam Ahmad concerning istiwa': One group narrated that heconsidered it "of the Attributes of act" (min sifat al-fi`l), another, "of the Attributes of the Essence" (min sifat al-dhat)."[bn Abi Ya`la, Tabaqat al-Hanabila (2:296)]
► Ibn Battal mentions that Ahl al-Sunna hold either one of these two positions: "Those that interpreted istawa as `He exalted Himself' (`ala) consider istiwa an Attribute of the Essence, while those who interpreted it otherwiseconsider it an Attribute of act
,[In Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (1959 ed. 13:406) ]
Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Ash`ari said views
on where is Allah
Al-Tamimi further related that Ahmad said:
[Istiwa']: It means height/exaltation (`uluw) and elevation (irtifa`). Allah - Most High - is ever exalted (`ali) and elevated (rafi`) without beginning, before He created the Throne. He is above everything (huwa fawqa kulli shay'), and He is exalted over everything (huwa al-`ali `ala kulli shay'). He only specified the Throne because of its particular significance which makes it different from everything else, as the Throne is the best of all things and the most elevated of them. Allah - Most High - therefore praised Himself by saying that He { established Himself over the Throne }, that is, He exalted Himself over it (`alayhi `ala). It is impermissible to say that He established Himself with a contact or a meeting with it. Exalted is Allah above that! Allah is not subject to change, substitution, nor limits, whether before or after the creation of the Throne
[bn Abi Ya`la, Tabaqat al-Hanabila (2:296-297)]
Sufyan al-Thawri
Sufyan al-Thawri (d. 161) interpreted istiwa' in the verse { The Merciful established Himself over the Throne } (20:5) as "a command concerning the Throne" (amrun fi al-`arsh)
► as related by Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni and quoted by al-Yafi`i in the latter's book Marham al-`Ilal al-Mu`dila fi Daf` al-Shubah wa al-Radd `ala al-Mu`tazila ("Book of the Resolution of Difficult Problems for the Removal of Doubts and the Refutation of the Mu`tazila"):
The understanding of istiwa' as the turning of Allah - Most High - to a particular command concerning the Throne is not far-fetched, and this is the ta'wil of Imam Sufyan al-Thawri, who took as corroborating evidence for it the verse: { Then turned He (thumma istawa) to the heaven when it was smoke](41:11), meaning: "He proceeded to it" (qasada ilayha)
[ al-Yafi`i, Marham al-`Ilal (p. 245) and Abu al-Ma`ali Ibn al-Juwayni, al-Irshad (p. 59-60)]
Imam Al Tabari (rah)
on Istiwa in Quran
Al-Tabari said, in his commentary on the verse { Then turned He (thumma istawa) to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens } (2:29):,
The meaning of istiwa' in this verse is height (`uluw) and elevation... but if one claims that this means displacement for Allah, tell him: He is high and elevated over the heaven with the height of sovereignty and power, not the height of displacement and movement to and fro.
The above position is exactly that of the Ash`ari school, as shown by Abu Bakr ibn al-`Arabi's and Ibn Hajar's numerous comments[Respectively in `Arida al-Ahwadhi (2:234-237) and Fath al-Bari (3:37-38, 6:136 [Jihad], also Tawhid ch. 23 last par.)to that effect directed against those who attribute altitude to Allah in their interpretation of His `uluw such as Ibn Taymiyya.
Ibn Taymiyya stated and Refuted by several classical scholars "The Creator, Glorified and Exalted is He, is above the world and His being above is literal, not in the sense of dignity or rank."[In al-Ta'sis al-Radd `ala Asas al-Taqdis (= Talbis al-Jahmiyya 1:111)]
This doctrine was comprehensively refuted by Ibn Jahbal al-Kilabi (d. 733) in his Radd `ala Man Qala bi al-Jiha("Refutation of Ibn Taymiyya Who Attributes A Direction to Allah - Most High -")
► (ref)Its text is quoted in full in Ibn al-Subki's Tabaqat (9:35-91) and its translation is forthcoming insha Allah.
And Refuted by Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani (1265-1350) in his Raf` al-Ishtibah fi Istihala al-Jiha `ala Allah ("The Removal of Doubt Concerning the Impossibility of Direction for Allah"),
►(ref for above) Reproduced in full in al-Nabahani's Shawahid al-Haqq
Ibn Battal and Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi
quoted by Imam Ibn e Hajar (Rah)
attribute the interpretation as istila' chiefly to the Mu`tazila. Ibn Hajar said:,
The Mu`tazila said its meaning is "establishing dominion through subjugation and overpowering" (al-istila' bi al-qahr wa al-ghalaba), citing as a proof the saying of the poet:
Bishr established mastery over Iraq without sword and without shedding blood.,
The anthropomorphists (al-jismiyya) said: "Its meaning is settledness (al-istiqrar).",
he explanation of istawa as istaqarra in the verse {Then He established Himself over the Throne} (32:4) is actuallyreported from al-Kalbi and Muqatil by al-Baghawi - in his commentary entitled Ma`alim al-Tanzil (al-Manar ed. 3:488) - who adds that the philologist Abu `Ubayda [Ma`mar ibn al-Muthanna al-Taymi (d. ~210)] said "He mounted" (sa`ida). Pickthall followed the latter in his translation of the verse as {Then He mounted the Throne}. It is a foundational position of the "Salafis" as stated by Imam Muhammad Abu Zahra: "The `wahabis' and Ibn Taymiyya assert that settledness takes place over the Throne...
. Ibn Taymiyya strenuously asserts that Allah descends, and can be above (fawq) and below (taht) `without how'(naoozbila).... and that the school of the Salaf is the affirmation of everything that the Qur'an stated concerning aboveness (fawqiyya), belowness (tahtiyya), and establishment over the Throne."
► Abu Zahra, al-Madhahib al-Islamiyya (p. 320-322)
Some of Ahl al-Sunna said: "Its meaning is He elevated Himself (irtafa`a)" [b/] and others of them said: "Its meaning is sovereignty (al-mulk) and power (al-qudra)."
► Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (1959 ed. 13:409)
Ibn Battal and
Ibn al-Jawzi on Istawa
As Ibn Battal alluded, "establishing dominion and sovereignty," "subduing," and "conquering" no more suppose prior opposition in the face of the Creator than do His Attributes of "All-Victorious" (Zahir) "All-Compelling" (Qahhar), "Prevailer" (Ghalib), or "Omnipotent" (Qahir) presuppose resistance or power on anyone's part. This is confirmed by the verses: { He is the Omnipotent (al-qahir) over His slaves } (6:18, 6:61) and { Allah prevails (ghalib) in His purpose } (12:21). Al-Raghib said: "It means that everything is alike in relation to him" and he did not say: "became alike."
Ibn al-Jawzi mentions another reason for permitting this interpretation: "Whoever interprets { and He is with you } (57:4) as meaning `He is with you in knowledge,' permits his opponent to interpret istiwa' as 'subduing' (al-qahr)
,reference ,
►In Daf` Shubah al-Tashbih (1998 al-Kawthari repr. p. 23)
Lies of Ibn e Taymiyah The
Anthropomorphist refuted
proof of his hardcore anthropomorphism
Ibn Taymiyyah said:
وللّه ـ تعالى ـ استواء على عرشه حقيقة، وللعبد استواء على الفلك حقيقة،
Translation: The establishment of Allah over the Throne is real, and the servant's establishment over the ship is real
,[Majmua al Fatawa Volume 5 Page No. 199]
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) said
Ibn Taymiyyah) was attributed with anthropomorphism because of what he wrote in his books like Aqeedah Hamvia, Al-Waastiya and others that Allah's Face and Hand and Shin are “REAL” attributes, and Allah is sitting on the Arsh (Throne) “In person”. (Naoozubila Min Zalik)
[Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in Al-Durar al Kameena, Volume No. 1, Page Nos. 49-50]
May Allah save every muslim Iman and Aqeeda from Deviant beliefs of some and help us in followingQuran,Sunnah,salafs and classical scholars of Islam
Great islamic Classical Scholars With Refernece of Their
Books/fatwas Who refuted IBn Taymiyyah and Wahabi
hindu,anthropomorphic mujassami beliefs openly
Below are some names of the Scholars that said Istiwa alal-Arsh means Subjugating al-Arsh not sitting or resting.
You will see the name of the scholars, linguists, Interpreters, 'Usulioon, Muhadithoon, Hafidhs, and others along with the date of their death and the name of the book and quote of their interpretations.
بيان من تأول من علماء أهل السنة الاستواء على العرش بالاستيلاء والقهر
Linguist Ibnul MubarakBooks/fatwas Who refuted IBn Taymiyyah and Wahabi
hindu,anthropomorphic mujassami beliefs openly
Below are some names of the Scholars that said Istiwa alal-Arsh means Subjugating al-Arsh not sitting or resting.
You will see the name of the scholars, linguists, Interpreters, 'Usulioon, Muhadithoon, Hafidhs, and others along with the date of their death and the name of the book and quote of their interpretations.
بيان من تأول من علماء أهل السنة الاستواء على العرش بالاستيلاء والقهر
1- اللغوي السلفي الأديب أبو عبد الرحمن عبد الله بن يحيى بن المبارك (ت237هـ) ، كان عارفا باللغة والنحو ، قال في كتابه (( غريب القرءان وتفسيره )) ما نصه : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى }[سورة طه ] : استوى : استولى )) اهـ .
Linguist Az-Zajjaj
2- الإمام اللغوي أبو إسحاق إبراهيم بن السَّرِي الزجاج (ت311هـ ) قال فيه الذهبي (السير ج14/360): (( نحوي زمانه)) اهـ، قال في كتابه ((معاني القرءان )) ما نصه : ((وقالوا : معنى استوى :استولى )) اهـ.
Abu Mansur al-Maturidi al-Hanafiy
3- الإمام أبو منصور محمد بن محمد الماتريدي الحنفي (ت333هـ) إمام أهل السنة والجماعة ، قال في كتابه المسمى (( تأويلات أهل السنة )) في تفسير قوله تعالى : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى} [سورة طه] ما نصه (4) : (( أو الاستيلاء [عليه ] وأن لا سلطان لغيره ولا تدبير لأحد فيه )) اهـ.
Linguist Abul-Qassim bin Ishaq az-zajjajiy
4- اللغوي أبو القاسم عبد الرحمن بن إسحاق الزجاجي (ت340هـ) قال فيه الذهبي (السير ج 15/475)ما نصه : ((شيخ العربية وتلميذ العلامة أبي إسحاق إبراهيم بن السري الزجاج ، وهو منسوب إليه )) اهـ، قال في كتابه (( اشتقاق أسماء الله )) ما نصه: (( والعلي والعالي أيضا : القاهر الغالب للأشياء، فقول العرب : علا فلان فلانا أي غلبه وقهره كما قال الشاعر :
فلما علونا واستوينا عليهم تركناهم صرعى لنسر وكاسر
يعني غلبناهم وقهرناهم واستولينا عليهم )) اهـ.
Ahmad ar-Raziy al-Jassas al-Hanafiy
5- الشيخ أبو بكر أحمد الرازي الجصاص الحنفي (ت370هـ) في كتابه (( أحكام القرءان )).
6- المفسر أبو الحسن علي بن محمد الماوردي (ت 450 هـ ) قال في تفسيره (( النكت والعيون )) ما نصه : {ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ } [ سورة الأعراف ] : فيه قولان : ...والثاني : استولى على العرش كما قال الشاعر :
قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق )) اهـ
al-Bayhaqiy ash-Shafi^iy
7- قال الحافظ البيهقي ( ت 458هـ ) في كتابه (( الأسماء والصفات )) ما نصه : (( وفيما كتب إلي الأستاذ أبو منصور بن أبي أيوب أن كثيرا من متأخري أصحابنا ذهبوا إلى أن الاستواء هو القهر والغلبة )) اهـ.
Abul Hassan al-Wahidiy
8- أبو الحسن علي بن أحمد الواحدي (ت478 هـ) في تفسيره (( الوجيز )).
Ad-Damaghaniy al-Hanafiy
9- الشيخ الحسين بن محمد الدامغاني الحنفي (ت478 هـ ) في كتابه (( إصلاح الوجوه )).
Al-Juwainiy ash-Shafi^iy
10- إمام الحرمين أبو المعالي عبد الملك بن عبد الله الجويني الشافعي (ت 578هـ ) قال في كتابه (( الإرشاد )) ما نصه :
(( الاستواء القهر والغلبة، وذلك شائع في اللغة إذ تقول : استوى فلان على المملك إذا احتوى على مقاليد الملك واستعلى على الرقاب )) اهـ.
al-Mutawawliy - Abur-Rahman bin Muhammad ash-Shafi^iy
11- الإمام عبد الرحمن بن محمد الشافعي المعروف بالمتولي (ت478 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( الغنية )) في دفع شبهة من منع تفسير الاستواء بالقهر ما نصه : فإن قيل الاستواء إذا كان بمعنى القهر والغلبة فيقضي منازعة سابقة وذلك محال في وصفه . وقلنا : والاستواء بمعنى الاستقرار يقتضي سبق الاضطراب والاعوجاج ، وذلك محال في وصفه )) اهـ.
Ar-Raghib al-Asbahaniy
12- اللغوي أبو القاسم الحسين بن محمد المعروف بالراغب الأصبهاني (ت502 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( المفردات )) ما نصه : (( ومتى عُدِّي- أي الاستواء – بـ (( على )) اقتضى معنى الاستيلاء كقوله : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى } [سورة طه ] )) اهـ.
al-Ghazaliy ash-Shafi^iy
13- الشيخ الفقيه أبو حامد الغزالي الشافعي (ت505هـ ) قال في كتابه (( إحياء علوم الدين )) عندما تكلم عن الاستواء ما نصه : (( وليس ذلك إلا بطريق القهر والاستيلاء )) اهـ .
An-Nasafiy al-Hanafiy
14- المتكلم أبو المعين ميمون بن محمد النسفي الحنفي ( ت508هـ ) قال في كتابه (( تبصرة الأدلة )) بعد أن ذكر معاني الاستواء وأن منها الاستيلاء ما نصه : (( فعلى هذا يحتمل أن يكون المراد منه : استولى على العرش الذي هو أعظم المخلوقات )) اهـ.
15- الإمام أبو نصر عبد الرحيم بن عبد الكريم بن هوازن القشيري ( ت514 هـ ) الذي وصفه الحافظ عبد الرزاق الطبسي بإمام الأئمة، قال في كتابه (( التذكرة الشرقية )) ما نصه : {الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى }[سورة طه ]: قهر وحفظ وأبقى )) اهـ .
Qadi Ibn Rushd -The grand father
16- القاضي الشيخ أبو الوليد محمد بن أحمد المالكي قاضي الجماعة بقرطبة المعروف بابن رشد الجد (ت520هـ ): قال ما نصه : (( والاستواء في قوله تعالى : {ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ } [ سورة الأعراف] معناه استولى )) اهـ، ذكره ابن الحاج المالكي في كتابه (( المدخل )) موافقا له ومقرا لكلامه .
Al-'Usuliy Mahmoud bin Zaid al-Lamishi
17- العلامة الفقيه الأصولي أبو الثناء محمود بن زيد اللامشي الحنفي الماتريدي ( توفي في أوائل القرن السادس الهجري ) قال ما نصه: ((ووجه ذلك أن الاستواء قد يذكر ويراد به الاستقرار، وقد يذكر ويراد به الاستيلاء فيحمل على الاستيلاء دفعا للتناقض، وإنما خص العرش بالذكر تعظيما له كما خصه بالذكر في قوله تعالى : {وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ } [سورة التوبة ] وإن كان هو رب كل شئ)) اهـ.
Muhaddith ash-Sham Ali Bin al-Hassan
18- الحافظ الكبير محدث الشام المؤرخ أبو القاسم علي بن الحسن ابن هبة الله ( ت571هـ) : قال ما نصه :
خلق السماء كما يشا ء بلا دعائم مستقلة
لا للتحيز كي تكو ن لذاته جهة مقلة
رب على العرش استوى قهرا وينـزل لا بنقلة
Ibn Al-Jawzi al-Hanbali
19- الإمام الحافظ المفسر عبد الرحمن بن الجوزي الحنبلي ت 597 هـ في كتابه دفع شبه التشبيه.
Fakhrud-deen ar-Razi
20- المفسر فخر الدين الرازي الشافعي (ت606هـ) : قال في تفسيره ما نصه : (( فثبت أن المراد استواؤه على عالم الأجسام بالقهر والقدرة والتدبير والحفظ )) اهـ، وقال في موضع ءاخر ما نصه : (( قال بعض العلماء : المراد من الاستواء الاستيلاء )) اهـ ، وقال في كتابه (( أساس التقديس : (( وإذا ثبت هذا ظهر أنه ليس المراد من الاستواء الاستقرار ، فوجب أن يكون المراد هو الاستيلاء والقهر وهذا مستقيم على قانون اللغة، قال الشاعر : قد استوى بشر على العراق )) ا هـ.
Saifuddeen al-Amidi
21- الشيخ المتكلم سيف الدين الآمدي الحنبلي ثم الشافعي (ت631هـ) ذكر في كتابه (( أبكار الأفكار )) أن تفسير الاستواء بالاستيلاء والقهر هو من أحسن التأويلات وأقربها .
AbulAziz Bin Abdus-Salam
22- الشيخ عبد العزيز بن عبد السلام الشافعي (ت660هـ ) في كتابه (( الإشارة إلى الإيجاز )).
Imam Al-Qarafi
23- الشيخ الفقيه القرافي المالكي (ت684هـ ) .
24- المفسر القاضي أبو سعيد عبد الله بن عمر بن محمد البيضاوي الشافعي (ت685 هـ وقيل 691هـ ) قال في تفسيره (( أنوار التنـزيل )) ما نصه: {ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ } [سورة الأعراف ] : استوى أمره أو استولى )) اهـ.
Abul Barakat An-Nasafiy
25- المفسر أبو البركات عبد الله بن أحمد النسفي (ت 710هـ وقيل 701هـ ) قال في تفسيره(( مدارك التنـزيل )) ما نصه: {الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى} [سورة طه ] : استولى، عن الزجاج )) اهـ .
Ibn Mandhoor
26- اللغوي محمد بن مكرم الإفريقي المصري المعروف بابن منظور (ت711هـ) قال في كتابه (( لسان العرب )) من غير أن يتعرض لتفسير ءاية الاستواء ما نصه : (( استوى: استولى، وظهر )) اهـ
Ibn al-Mu^allim al-Qurashi
27- المحدث الفقيه ابن المعلم القرشي (ت725 هـ) : ذكر في كتابه (( نجم المهتدي )) معاني الاستواء وأن منها الاستيلاء المجرد عن معنى المغالبة ، ولم يعترض على هذا التفسير ، نقله الكوثري في تعليقه على (( الأسماء والصفات )).
Ibn Jahbal al-Halabiy
28- الشيخ أحمد بن يحيى بن إسماعيل بن جهبل الحلبي الشافعي (ت733هـ ) قال في رسالته التي ألفها في نفي الجهة عن الله ردا على ابن تيمية ما نصه : ((والاستواء بمعنى الاستيلاء )) اهـ ، نقله التاج السبكي في ((طبقاته )) .
Badrudeen bin Jama^ah
29- القاضي محمد بن إبراهيم الشافعي الشهير ببدر الدين بن جماعة ( ت 733 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( إيضاح الدليل )) ما نصه: (( فقوله تعالى : { اسْتَوَى } يتعين فيه معنى الاستيلاء والقهر لا القعود والاستقرار )) اهـ .
Ibn al-hajj - Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Abdariy
30- الشيخ أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد العبدري المغربي المالكي المعروف بابن الحاج ( ت 737 هـ ) كان من أصحاب العلامة الولي العارف بالله الزاهد المقرئ ابن أبي جمرة رحمه الله تعالى ونفعنا به ، ذكر في كتابه (( المدخل )) كلام ابن رشد الجد الذي ذكرناه ءانفا مؤيدا وموافقا له .
al-Faqih Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Ahmad
31- الفقيه شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن عبد المؤمن الشافعي المعروف بابن اللبان (ت749هـ ) في كتابه (( إزالة الشبهات )).
Qadiy Abdur-Rahman al-Eeji
31- القاضي عبد الرحمن بن أحمد الإيجي (ت756 هـ ) في كتابه (( المواقف )) .
Taqidu-Deen as-Subkiy
33- الإمام الفقيه تقي الدين علي بن عبد الكافي السبكي الشافعي ( ت756هـ ) قال في كتابه (( السيف الصقيل )) ما نصه :
((فالمقدم على هذا التأويل – أي تأويل الاستواء بالاستيلاء – لم يرتكب محذورا ولا وصف الله تعالى بما لا يجوز عليه )) اهـ .
Al-Mufassir Ahmad bin Yusuf - as-Sameen al-Halabiy
34- اللغوي المفسر أحمد بن يوسف الشافعي المعروف بالسمين الحلبي (ت756هـ ) قال في كتابه (( عمدة الحفاظ )) ما نصه : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى } [سورة طه] : أي استولى )) اهـ.
Ibn Siraj al-Qawnawiy
35- القاضي محمود بن أحمد القونوي الحنفي المعروف بابن السراج (ت770هـ ويقال 771هـ ) كما في كتابه (( القلائد )) .
36-اللغوي مجد الدين محمد بن يعقوب الفيروزابادي ( ت817هـ ) قال في كتابه ((بصائر ذوي التمييز )) عند ذكر معاني الاستواء ما نصه : (( بمعنى القهر والقدر: { اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ }[سورة الأعراف ] { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى }[سورة طه ] )) اهـ .
Taqiyud-Deen al-Husaniy
37- الشيخ الفقيه تقي الدين الحصني الشافعي (ت829هـ ) قال في كتابه (( دفع شبه من شبه وتمرد )) في معرض بيان معنى الاستواء في اللغة ما نصه: (( ومنها الاستيلاء على الشئ )) اهـ .
al'Usuliy Ibn Hammam
38- الفقيه الأصولي كمال الدين محمد بن عبد الواحد الحنفي المعروف بابن الهمام (ت861هـ )قال في كتابه ((المسايرة )) ما نصه : (( أما كون المراد أنه – أي الاستواء – استيلاؤه على العرش فأمر جائز الإرادة )) اهـ .
Muhammad Bin Sulayman al-Kafiji - One of Imam Suytuiy's Sheikhs
39-الشيخ محمد بن سليمان الكافيجي (ت879هـ ) أحد مشايخ السيوطي قال في كتابه (( التيسير )) ما نصه : (( أما التأويل في العرف فهو صرف اللفظ إلى بعض الوجوه ليكون ذلك موافقا للأصول كما إذا قال القائل : الظاهر أن المراد من الاستواء في قوله تعالى : { الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى}[سورة طه ] هو الاستيلاء بما لاح لي من الدليل فذلك تأويل برأي الشرع )) اهـ.
Qasim Bin Qatloobgha
40- المحدث الشيخ قاسم بن قطلوبغا الحنفي (ت879هـ ) قال في حاشيته على (( المسايرة )) ما نصه : ((قال أهل الحق بأن الاستواء مشترك بين معان ، والمعنى الأليق الاستيلاء )) اهـ .
Kamaluddeen Muhammad Bin Muhammad ash-Shafi^iy
41- الشيخ كمال الدين محمد بن محمد الشافعي المعروف بابن أبي شريف (ت906هـ ) شارح كتاب (( المسايرة)) لابن الهمام الذي مر ذكره ووافقه على التأويل باستولى .
Al-Hafidh as-Suyutiy
42- قال الحافظ السيوطي الشافعي (ت 911هـ ) في كتابه (( الكنـز المدفون )) ما نصه : (( خص – أي الله – الاستواء عليه – أي العرش – وهو استواء استيلاء ، فمن استولى على أعظم المخلوقات استولى على ما دونه )) اهـ
43- الشيخ شهاب الدين أحمد بن محمد القسطلاني الشافعي (ت923هـ ) كما في شرحه على البخاري .
Zakariya Bin Muhammad al-Ansariy
44- القاضي الشيخ زكريا بن محمد الأنصاري المصري الشافعي ( ت926 هـ ) كما في كتابه (( غاية الوصول شرح لب الأصول )) .
Abul-Hassan Ali Muhammad al-Manfui
45- الشيخ أبو الحسن علي بن محمد المنوفي المالكي المصري ( ت939 هـ ) قال في كتابه (( كفاية الطالب )) ما نصه : (( معنى استوائه على عرشه أن الله تعالى استولى عليه استيلاء ملك قادر قاهر، ومن استولى على أعظم الأشياء كان ما دونه منطويا تحته، وقيل الاستواء بمعنى العلو أي علو مرتبه ومكانة لا علو المكان )) اهـ.
Sheikh Zadeh
46- المفسر محمد بن مصطفى الحنفي المعروف بشيخ زاده (ت951هـ) كما في حاشيته على تفسير البيضاوي فقد قال : (( ولا يتوهم من استوائه على العرش كونه معتمدا عليه مستقرا فوقه بحيث لولا العرش لسقط ونزل لأن ذلك مستحيل في حقه تعالى لاتفاق المسلمين على أنه تعالى هو الممسك للعرش والحافظ [ له ] وأنه لا يحتاج إلى شئ مما سواه بل المراد من الاستواء على العرش والله أعلم الاستيلاء عليه ونفاذ التصرف ، وخص العرش بالاستيلاء عليه لأنه أعظم المخلوقات ، قال الشاعر :
قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق )) اهـ
47- الشيخ يوسف بن عبد الله الأرميوني الشافعي (ت958 هـ ) في كتابه (( القول المعتمد )).
Abus-Su^ood Muhammad bin Muhammad al-^amidiy
48- المفسر القاضي أبو السعود محمد بن محمد العمادي الحنفي ( ت982 هـ ) في تفسيره (( إرشاد العقل السليم )).
Ahmad bin Ghunaim an-Nafrawi
49- الشيخ أحمد بن غنيم النفراوي المالكي الأزهري (ت 1126 هـ ) في كتابه (( الفواكه الدواني ))، قال ما نصه :
(( استوى أي استولى بالقهر والغلة استيلاء ملك قاهر وإله قادر، ويلزم من استيلائه تعالى على أعظم الأشياء وأعلاها استيلاؤه على ما دونه )) اهـ .
Mufassir Sulayman bin Omar
50- الشيخ المفسر سليمان بن عمر الشهير بالجمل الشافعي (ت1204 هـ ) نقل في حاشيته على تفسير الجلالين عن شيخه ما نصه : (( طريقة الخلف التأويل بتعيين محمل اللفظ فيؤولون الاستواء بالاستيلاء )) اهـ .
Muhammad Murtada az-Zabidi
51- الحافظ اللغوي الفقيه محمد مرتضى الزبيدي الحنفي (ت1205هـ) قال في شرح الإحياء ما نصه : ((وإذا خيف على العامة لقصور فهمهم عدم فهم الاستواء إذا لم يكن بمعنى الاستيلاء إلا الاتصال ونحوه من لوازم الجسمية فلا بأس بصرف فهمهم إلى الاستيلاء صيانة لهم من المحذور، فإنه قد ثبت إطلاقه وإرادته لغة )) اهـ.
Mohammed al-Tayyib Bin Abdul Majid Ibn Kiran
52- الشيخ محمد الطيب بن عبد المجيد المدعو ابن كيران المالكي (ت1227هـ ) في شرحه على ((المرشد المعين على الضروري من علم الدين (1/448) مفسرا الاستواء على العرش بالقهر والغلبة لقوله:
فلما علونا واستوينا عليهم جعلناهم مرعى لنسر وطائر
وقوله :
قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق ))
وخص العرش لأنه أعظم المخلوقات ، ومن استولى على أعظمها كان استيلاؤه على غيره أحرى )) اهـ .
al-Malikiy as-Sawiy
53- الشيخ أحمد بن محمد المالكي الصاوي ( ت1241هـ ) كما في شرحه على جوهرة التوحيد )) اهـ .
Idris Bin Ahmad al-Wazini al-Fasiy
54- الشيخ إدريس بن أحمد الوزاني الفاسي المولود سنة 1275هـ في (( نشر الطيب )) قال : (( الاستواء يطلق لغة على الاستقرار على الشئ ولكن لا يحمل على ظاهره كما تقول المشبهة بل المراد لازمه الذي هو الاستيلاء بالقهر والغلبة )) اهـ.
Muhammad Bin Darwish al-Hoot
55- المحدث أبو عبد الله محمد بن درويش الحوت البيروتي الشافعي (ت1276هـ ) قال في رسالته (( الدرة البهية في توحيد رب البرية ))ما نصه : (( وقد أول الخلف الاستواء بالقهر والاستيلاء على العرش )) اهـ .
Ibrahim Muhammad al-Bijawiy56- الشيخ إبراهيم محمد البيجوري الشافعي ( ت1277هـ ) كما في شرح (( جوهرة التوحيد))
Muhammad Alauddin Bin Muhammad Ameen Abdeen
57- الشيخ محمد علاء الدين بن محمد أمين عابدين الدمشقي الحنفي (ت1306هـ) في كتابه (( الهدية العلائية )) قال ما نصه : (( وقالوا : (( استوى )) بمعنى استولى )) اهـ.
Muhammad bin Mahfoodh at-Tirmisi al-Andanusiy
58- الشيخ محمد بن محفوظ الترمسي الأندنوسي ( كان حيا سنة 1329 هـ ) قال في تفسير قوله تعالى :{الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى } : (( فالظاهر من ذلك ليس مرادا اتفاقا، ثم السلف يفوضون علم حقيقته على التفصيل إلى الله ، والخلف يؤولونه إلى أن المراد من الاستواء الاستيلاء والملك على حد قول الشاعر : قد استوى بشر على العراق من غير سيف ودم مهراق )) اهـ.
Muhammad Nawawiy al-Jawiy
59- الشيخ الفقيه المفسر المتكلم محمد نووي الشافعي الجاوي (ت1316هـ ) في تفسيره .
Sheikh al-Azhar Saleem al-Bishriy
60- شيخ الأزهر في مصر الأستاذ سليم البشري (ت 1335هـ ) : قال في فتوى له نقلها الشيخ سلامة العزامي ( ت1376هـ ) في رسالته (( فرقان القرءان )) : (( إن الاستواء بمعنى الاستيلاء كما هو رأي الخلف )) اهـ.
Tahir Bin Muhammad al-Jaza'iriy
61- الشيخ طاهر بن محمد الجزائري الدمشقي (ت 1338هـ ) كما في كتابه (( الجواهر الكلامية )) .
Abdul-Majeed al-Sharnouby
62- الشيخ عبد المجيد الشرنوبي المصري الأزهري المالكي ( ت 1348هـ ) كما في شرحه على (( تائية السلوك )) وفي (( تقريب المعاني )) .
Muhammad Bin Muhammad al-Khattab as-Subkiy
63- الشيخ محمد بن محمد الخطاب السبكي الأزهري ( ت1352 هـ ) كما في كتابه (( إتحاف الكائنات )) .
Othman Bin Hasanain Biri al-Ja^liy
64- الشيخ عثمان بن حسنين بري الجعلي المالكي ( انتهى المؤلف من شرحه سنة 1364هـ) قال في كتابه (( سراج الملوك شرح أسهل المسالك )) ما نصه : (( وتؤول الاستواء على العرش بالقهر والغلبة بمعنى أن الله تعالى مالك للعرش وما حواه )) اهـ.
Muhammad Abdul-Adheem al-Zurqani
65- الشيخ محمد عبد العظيم الزرقاني ( ت 1367 هـ ) هو مدرس علوم القرءان والحديث في كلية أصول الدين في جامعة الأزهر بمصر ، قال في كتابه (( مناهل العرفان )) طبق ما قرره مجلس الأزهر الأعلى في دراسة تخصص الكليات الأزهرية ما نصه : (( وطائفة المتأخرين يعينون فيقولون : إن المراد بالاستواء هنا هو الاستيلاء والقهر من غير معاناة ولا تكلف لأن اللغة تتسع لهذا المعنى )) اهـ
Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari66- الشيخ محمد زاهد الكوثري ( ت 1371هـ ) كان وكيل مشيخة الإسلام بالاستانة، ووافق في (( تكملة الرد على نونية ابن القيم )) الحافظ الفقيه السبكي على تأويل الاستواء بالاستيلاء .
Salamah al-Qada^i al-^azami
67- الشيخ سلامة القضاعي العزامي ( ت1367 هـ ) كما في كتابه (( البراهين الساطعة ))، ورسالته (( فرقان القرءان )).
Kitab: al-Aeedah al-Islamiyah
68- كتاب العقيدة الإسلامية : التوحيد من الكتاب والسنة .
Ibrahim ad-Dusuqiy - Wazir Awqaf Egypt
69- الشيخ إبراهيم الدسوقي وزير الأوقاف سابقا ( مصر ) .
Hussein Bin Abur-Rahim Makiy
70- الشيخ حسين بن عبد الرحيم مكي في كتابه (( مذكرات التوحيد )).
Kitab: Mashroo^ Zaid li Tahfidh al-Qur'an -
71- وكذا في كتاب (( مشروع زايد لتحفيظ القرءان الكريم )) بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة .
Muhammad Hamid Imam Jami^ as-Sultan - Hamah
72- قال الشيخ محمد حامد ( مدرس وخطيب جامع السلطان بحماه ) في كتابه (( ردود على أباطيل )): (( وإن استواء الله على عرشه يجري فيه مذهبان للسلف والخلف، فالسلف يفوضون معناه إلى الله تعالى مع التنـزيه، والخلف يؤولونه بالاستيلاء على العرش وهو أعظم المكونات، فهو إذن مستول على غيره بالأولى من غير استعصاء سابق لا من العرش ولا من غيره )) اهـ.
Sheikh Abdul-Kareem - Imam Jami^ al-Ahmadiy - Baghdad
73- الشيخ عبد الكريم المدرس ( إمام وخطيب جامع الأحمدي والمدرس في الحضرة الكيلانية ببغداد ) في كتابه (( الوسيلة )) .
Allamah Muhaddith Abdullah al-Harariy ash-Shafi^iy - Sharh Tahawiyah
74- الشيخ العلامة المحدث عبد الله الهرري الشافعي قال في شرح العقيدة الطحاوية ما نصه : (( يفهم من الاستواء القهر والاستيلاء إذ هو أشرف معاني الاستواء، وهو مما يليق بالله تعالى، لأنه وصف نفسه بأنه قهار، فلا يجوز أن يترك ما هو لائق بالله تعالى إلى ما هو غير لائق بالله تعالى وهو الجلوس والاتصال والاستقرار )) اهـ.
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